出版时间:2004-08-01 出版社:经济科学出版社 作者:财政部 编
本书由15个单元组成,内容和结构上与第一册环环相扣,通过精选财政部各司局所提供的专项业务、典范素材及反映国内外财政未来发展趋势和先进管理经验的相关经典原版文章,并配以翻译技巧与相关练习的训练。读者对象:公务员、财经类、外语类院校师生。 本书专为财政干部英语培训和自学而编写。在内容上既考虑到以财政业务为主线,又兼顾英语教材的自身特点,从实战出发、以实用为目的,注重实际运用语言知识能力的培养。在编排上由浅入深,循序渐进,通过大量丰富多样的练习形式,将英语听、说、读、写、译等语言基本技能训练有机结合,使读者达到阅读财经英语原文,应用英语表达财经专业内容的目的。
Unit One Excerpts of Government Work Reports Passage A Summary of Premier Zhu Rongji's Governament Work Report Passage B Report on the Implementation of the Gentral and Local Budgets for 2002 and on the Draft Gectral and Local Budgets Passage C Premier Wen Jiabao Elaborates on the Tasks of the New Government' Technuque in TranslationUnit Two Sustainable Development Passage A Remarks by the President of the United States on the Environment Passage B The Quality of Growth Passage C Urbanization and Sustainable Development Technuque in TranslationUnit Three Macro-economic Policy……Unit Four Finance and Taxation ReformUnit Five Expenses on Social DevelopmentUnit Six Social SecurityUnit Seven Expenses on AgricultureUnit Eight FinanceUnit Nine TradeUnit Ten AccountingUnit Eleven Governmaent Financial Management Information System(GFMIS)Unit Twelve Govenment ProcurementUnit Thirteen Globalization in EconomyUnit Fourteen International Financial OrganixationsUnit Fifteen Economic Cooperation OrganizaationsVocabulary