出版时间:2010-7 出版社:朝华出版社 作者:孔军 编 页数:196
2010高考英语满分作文 2010·全国卷Ⅰ 试题回放 写信邀请Smith女士做评委 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010·全国卷Ⅱ 试题回放 写信告知笔友Peter招聘消息 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010北京卷 试题回放 写周记记录帮祖父母准备旅行 满分范文 看图写短文 满分范文 2010·上海卷 试题回放 小学生上课踊跃发言 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010·天津卷 试题回放 写信要求为小学生辅导英语 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010·重庆卷 试题回放 写信给航空公司寻找行李箱 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010·江苏卷 试题回放 “英语学习师生座谈会”发言稿 满分范文(一) 满分范文(二) 2010·浙江卷 试题回放 为班级板报写人物介绍 ……2009高考英语满分作文2008高考英语满分作文2007高考英语满分作文2006高考英语满分作文附录
Some of US think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original.The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story.Besides,the film is usu-ally more interesting,and it is easier to follow.Some others have j ust the opposite opimon.They think that they can get more detailedinformation from the original.Meanwhile,the language in the hook is possibly more livelyand beautiful. Personally,I agree with the second view.Actually I have more reasons for it.I thinkI can stay at home,reading quietly in a situation of my own,and what’s more,I am able tohave better understanding of author’s ideas.In a word,to read the original WOrk is betterthan to see the film based on it.
真题真卷,全面再现各大考区作文真题,考题精解,点拨解题思路,提示写作方法,范文精选,5年高考最优秀范文优中选精,名师点评,有的放矢,着重分析得分要点,积累卡片,积累好词好句,夯实写作基础,高考必备,精选实用短语句型,高分无忧。 阐明规律,点拨技巧,5年精华,畅享佳作。汇集5年高考英语满分精华。阅卷名师最欣赏的满分范文150篇,海淀英语教育研究中心专供。