出版时间:2005-1 出版社:朝华出版社 作者:孙涛 页数:276
中国汉语水平考试(HSK)是为测试母语非汉语者(包括外国人、华侨和中国国内少数民族人员)的汉语水平而设立的国家标准化考试。中国汉语水平考试(HSK)由北京语言文化大学汉语水平考试中心设计研制,包括基础汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(基础)],初、中等汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(初、中等)]和高等汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(高等)]。中国汉语水平考试(HSK)每年定期在中国国内和海外举办,凡考试成绩达到规定标准者,可获得相应等级的《汉语水平证书》。 《汉字学习卡片》正是根据汉语水平考试(HSK)的要求,汇编了基础汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(基础)],初、中等汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(初、中等)]和高等汉语水平考试[简写为HSK(高等)]的全部汉字。并根据母语非汉语者(包括外国人、华侨和中国国内少数民族人员)的特点,对汉字的笔车顺序、拼音、词组、英语解释等进行了标注。为了帮助学习者更好地学习使用汉字,本书在装帧形式上采用了邮票印制形式(既可以按图书试阅读,也可以撕下后形成卡片),每个汉字了的背面就是其相关词组和解释。
书评This book is compiled in accordance with the requirements of HSK. It contains all Chinese characters indispensable for basic, elementary and intermediate and advanced Chinese language level tests. It is completed with the order of strokes, pinyin, related phrases and English translation of each character. For the convenience of the readers, each page of the book is printed in the shape of post stamps. This is designed to facilitate readers who wish to tear pages off the book for reading purpose.
《HSK汉字学习卡片(汉英)》由朝华出版社出版。This book is compiled in accordance with the requirements of HSK. It contains all Chinese characters indispensable for basic, elementary and intermediate and advanced Chinese language level tests. It is completed with the order of strokes, pinyin, related phrases and English translation of each character. For the convenience of the readers, each page of the book is printed in the shape of post stamps. This is designed to facilitate readers who wish to tear pages off the book for reading purpose.