出版时间:2004-3-1 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:Sean E.Santry,Harvey M.Deitel,Paul J.Deitel 页数:1811 字数:2061000
本书是一本高级Java 2编程方面的优秀教材,全面介绍了Java 2平台的多种常用及前沿技术。本书从高级GUI编程入手,讲解了Java 2D、Java 3D图形设计以及JavaBean组件模型;讨论了分布式编程,其中包括RMI、Jini、Jiro、JMX、CORBA以及JavaSpace的概念;介绍了有关网络服务的内容,并通过实例讲解了servlet和JSP的应用,然后列举了与其他Web服务相关的技术,例如WML、SOAP等。本书还讨论了构造企业级Java应用的关键技术,其中包括安全、JDBC、EJB等,并给出一个利用Java技术实现的网上书店。本书所附的光盘上含有书中用到的一些软件,并提供了全部的程序代码。全书内容丰富、结构严谨、条理清晰,写作方法别具一格,并且给出了大量的实例和练习,是一本难得的高级Java 2编程教材。
Harvey M.Deitel博士
Deitel & Associates公司的执行总裁,有着近40年计算机领域的工作经验,进行过大量深入的教学研究,是世界一流的计算机科学教授和研讨会演讲人。他是几十本专著和多媒体软件包的作者或合著者,是全球知名的计算机教材作者。
Preface1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Architecture of the Book 1.3 Tour of the Book 1.4 Running Example Code 1.5 Design Patterns2 Advanced Swing Graphical User Interface Components 2.1 Introduction 2.2 WebBrowser Using JEditorPane and JToolBar 2.3 Swing Actions 2.4 JSplitPane and JTabbedPane 2.5 Multiple-Document Interfaces 2.6 Drag and Drop 2.7 Internationalization 2.8 Accessibility 2.9 Internet and World Wide Web Resources3 Model-View-Controller 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Model-View-Controller Architecture 3.3 Objservable Class and Observer Interface 3.4 JList 3.5 JTable 3.6 JTree4 Graphics Programming with Java 2D and Java 3D 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Coordinates,Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects 4.3 Java 2D API 4.4 Java 3D API 4.5 A Java 3D Case Study:A 3D Game with Custom Behaviors5 Case Study:Java 2D GUI Application with Design Patterns 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Application Overview 5.3 MyShape Class Hierarchy 5.4 Deitel DrawingModel 5.5 Deitel Drawing Views 5.6 Deitel Drawing Controller Logic 5.7 DrwingInternalFrame Component 5.8 Zoomdialog,Action and Icon Components 5.9 DeitelDrawing Application6 JavaBeans Component Model 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Using Beans in Forte for Java Community Edition 6.3 Preparing a Class to be a JavaBean 6.4 Creating a JavaBean:Java Archive Files 6.5 JavaBean Properties 6.6 Bound Properties 6.7 Indexed Properties and Custom Events 6.8 Customizing JavaBeans for Builder Tools 6.9 Internet and World Wide Web Resources7 Security8 Java Database Connectivity(JDBC)9 Servlets10 JavaServer Pages(JSP)11 Case Study:Servlet and JSP Bookstore12 Java-Based Wireless Applications Development and J2ME13 Remote Method Invocation14 Session EJBs and Distributed Transactions15 Entity EJBs16 Messaging with JMS17 Enterprise Java Case Study:Architectural Overview18 Enterprise Java Case Study:Presentation and Controller Logic19 Enterprise Java Case Study:Business Logic Part 120 Enterprise Java Case Study:Business Logic Part 221 Application Servers22 Jini23 JavaSpaces24 Java Management Extensions(JMX)(on CD)25 Jiro(on CD)26 Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA):Part 1(on CD)27 Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA):Part 2 (on CD)28 Peer-to-Peer Applications and JXTA29 Introduction to Web Services and SOAPA Creating Markup with XML (on CD)B Document Type Definition(DTD)(on CD)C Document Object Model(DOMTM)(on CD)D XSL:Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations(XSLT)(on CD)E Downloading and Installing J2EE 1.2.1(on CD)F Java Community ProcessSM(JCP)(on CD)G Java Native Interface(JNI)(on CD)H Career Opportunities(on CD)I Unicode(on CD)Index