
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:沈宏  页数:104  字数:185600  


  本教材按模块式结构编写。全书共分3个单元,每单元5课,共15课。参考学时数为40学时。各单元精心选编了包括电子技术、机电一体化技术和自动控制技术方面相关的专业文章和英语词汇,并系统地介绍了科技英语常用的语法知识和翻译技巧。教材内容由浅入深、循序渐进,每课都附有一定数量的练习和相应的阅读材料,以巩固所学知识。    本书可作为高职高专自动化类、机电类及其他相关专业的教材,也可供工程技术人员参考使用。


UNITⅠ  Foundation Lesson 1  Electrical  Engineering (1)  Free Reading  Electrical Engineering (2) Lesson 2  Digital Circuits   Free Reading  The Miracle Chip Lesson 3  Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Future   Free Reading  The Growth of Electronics Lesson 4  The Development of Computer  Free Reading  What Computer Can Do? Lesson 5  Office Automation   Free Reading  Manufacturing IndustryUNITⅡ Mechatronics Lesson 6  What is Mechatronics?  Free Reading  What do Mechatronics Engineers do? Lesson 7  Lathes   Free Reading  Machine Tools Lesson 8  The Theory of Cutting   Free Reading  Metal-Cutting Processes Lesson 9  CAD/CAM and CIFM   Free Reading  Historical Development of the CAD/CAM Lesson 10  Numerical Control   Free Reading  The Development of NCUNIT Ⅲ Automatic Control Technologies Lesson 11  Mechanization and Automation   Free Reading  A Fully-Automatic Factory Lesson 12  Introduction of Programmable Controllers  Free Reading  Factory Automation and Programmable Controllers Lesson 13  Introduction to Control Engineering  Free Reading  Control System Components Lesson 14  What is MATLAB?  Free Reading  MATLAB Installation Guide for PC Lesson 15  Men of Steel  Free Reading  Robots for Tomorrow参考文献



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