OCP; Oracle 8i DBA SQL与PL/SQL学习指南

出版时间:2001-3  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:美Chip Dawes  页数:362  字数:630  


This book is intended to help you on your exciting path toward obtaining the Oracle8i Certified Database Administrator and Oracle8i Certified Application Developer certifications. Basic knowledge of Oracle sQL and PL/sQL Is an advantage when reading this book but is not mandatory. using this book and a practice database, you can start learning Oracle and pass the IZO-001 test: Introduction to Oracle: sQL and PL/SQL.


Assessment Test
Chapter l Relational Technology and Simple
SQL SELECT Statements
Relatlonal Database Systems
Characterlstics of a Relatlonal Database
Application Development Cycle
Oracles Implementation of RDBMS and ORDBMS
Oracle Datatypes
Character Datatypes
Numerlc Datatypes
The Date Datatype
LOB Datatypes
Other Datatypes
SQL Fundamentals.
Operators and Expressions
Wrltlng Slmple guerles
SELECT Statement
Limiting Rows
Sorting Rows
SQL*Plus: Oracles Natlve Interface
SQL*Plus: Basics
Producing More Readable Output
Accepting Values at Runtime
Key Terms
Revlew guestions
ATlswers to Review guestlons
Chapter 2 Single-Row and Group Functions
Single-Row Functions in sgL
NULLs and Single-Row Functlons
Single-Row Character Functlons
Single-Row Numeric Functions
Single-Row Date Functions
Slngle-Row Converslon Punctions
Programmer-Written Slngle-Row Functions
Other Single-Row Functlons
Group Functions in sgL
Group (Multi-row) Functlons
Grouping Data with GROUP BY
Llmlting Grouped Data with HAVING
Nesting Functions
Key Terms
Review Questions
Answers to Review Questions
Chapter 3 Joins and Subqueries
Multiple Table Queries
Equality and Non-Equallty Jolns
Caresian Joins
Outer Joins
using Set Operators
Single-Row and Multiple-Row Subqueries
NULL Values in Subqueries
Multiple-Column Subqueries
Subqueries in the FROM Clause
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 4 Modffying Data and Security
DML Statements
Inserting Rows into a Table
Updating Rows in a Table
Deleting Rows from a Table
Selecting Rows FOR UPDATE
Locking a Table
DML Locks in Oracle
Transaction Control
Savepoints and Partial Rollbacks
Consistency and Transactions
Enabling Transaction-Level Consistency
Creating and Modifying Users
Database-Authenticated User Accounts
Externally Authenticated User Accounts
Globally Authentlcated User Accounts
Creatlng and Alterlng User Accounts
Privileges and Roles
Creating and Using Roles
Object Privileges
System Privileges
Roles and Role Prlvlleges
Asslgning and Rescinding Privileges
Privileges and the Data Dictionary
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 5 Creating and Managing Tables and Views
Managing Tables
Naming Conventions
Creating from Another Table
Modifying Table Definitions
Dropping/ Renaming Tables
Managing Views
Creating a View
Retrieving Data
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
Dropping a View
Key Terms
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Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 6 Other Database Objects and the Data Dictionary
Other Database Objects
Procedures and Functions
A guick n Dirty Review of the Data Dictionary
Querying the Data Dictionary
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 7 PL/sQL Basics
Benefits of PL/sQL
The PL/sQL Block Structure
Named and Anonymous Blocks
Variables and Constants
Declaring Variables
Assigning Values to Variables
Scalar Datatypes
LOB Datatypes
The Executable Section
Executing a Block
Control Stuctures
Syntax and Usage
Labeled Blocks
Labeled Loops
The GOTO Statement
Nested Blocks
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 8 Interacting with the Database
Accessing the Database
Other DML Statements
Transaction Control Statements
E3CpliCit Cursors
Using Cursors
Cursors with Parameters
Cursor FOR Loops
Subqueries in a Cursor
Updating and Deleting in a Cursor
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter 9 Working with Composite Datatypes and Collections
PL/sQL Records
Creating Records
Using Records
PL/sQL Collections
types of Collections
Using Collections
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Chapter IO Exception Handling
Exceptions, Errors, and PL/sQL
Raising and Handling Exceptions
Raising Exceptions
Handling Exceptiorls
Exception Propagation
Named Exceptions
Customizing Exception Handling
Declaring Your Own Exceptions
Giving Names to Database Errors
Numbering Programmer-Defined Errors
Key Terms
Review guestions
Answers to Review guestions
Appendix A Practice Exam
Answers to Practice Exam



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