
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:中国金融  作者:李兵  


保险英语,ISBN:9787504954619,作者:李兵 主编


Unit One  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Two  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section ⅡText  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Three  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Four  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Five  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Six  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Seven  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Eight  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Nine  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Ten  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Eleven  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section ⅡText  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialUnit Twelve  Section Ⅰ Sentences  Section Ⅱ Text  Section Ⅲ Special terms to the text  Section Ⅳ Exercises  Section Ⅴ Appendix materialAppendix PRC Insurance Law(Amended)主要参考文献



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