
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国科学技术出版社  作者:郭兰英,张莛敏 著  页数:201  




上编Unit 1 The InternetUnit 2 Mechanical EngineeringUnit 3 Business ManagementUnit 4 Electronic TechnologyUnit 5 ArchitectureUnit 6 SoftwareUnit 7 Digital MediaUnit 8 Logistic ManagementUnit 9 MedicineUnit 10 E-businessUnit 11 BiologyUnit 12 Environment下编Unit 1 The InternetPart One Interact:Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About the InternetPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 2 Mechanical EngineeringPart One Interact:Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About Mechanical EngineeringPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 3 Business ManagementPart One Interact :Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About Business ManagementPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 4 Electronic TechnologyPart One Interact :Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About Electronic TechnologyPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 5 ArchitecturePart One Interact :Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About ArchitecturePart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 6 SoftwarePart One Interact :Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About SoftwarePart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 7 Digital MediaPart One Interact:Listen speak and performPart Two Learn More About Digital MediaPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 8 Logistic ManagementPart One Interact:Listen speak and performPart Two Learn More About Logistic ManagementPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 9 MedicinePart One Interact:Listen speak and performPart Two Learn More About MedicinePart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 10 E-businessPart One Interact:Listen,speak and performPart Two Learn More About E-businessPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 11 BiolgyPart One Interact:Listen speak and performPart Two Learn More About BiologyPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessUnit 12 EnvironmentPart One Interact:Listen speak and performPart Two Learn More About EnvironmentPart Three Improve Your Reading AbilityPart Four Write With EffectivenessReferences



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