出版时间:2012-1 出版社:中国劳动社会保障出版社 作者:柳文杰 编 页数:86
《全国中等职业技术学校模具专业教材·专业英语系列教材:模具英语》以模具企业从事设计、制造、贸易为情景,介绍其常用的英文表述及应用文范例,使学生掌握模具的专业语汇,具备从事相应工作的基本英语沟通与写作能力;此外还针对学生应聘工作介绍了求职信、简历、面试的准备技巧。 全书分为5个单元,每课设置3~4个模块:Check and Learn,Dialogue,Reading,Learn More,结构合理。 《全国中等职业技术学校模具专业教材·专业英语系列教材:模具英语》内容丰富,通俗易懂;形式活泼,图文并茂并附有生词表和译文。
Unit 1 Order Managementlesson 1 Establishment of Business Relationshiplesson 2 A Purchase Contract of Mould Materialslesson 3 Receiving Materials of Mould MaterialsUnit 2 Mould Designlesson 4 Steel Materialslesson 5 Plastic Materialslesson 6 Punching Equipmentlesson 7 Injection Mouldinglesson 8 Plastic MouldingUnit 3 Inspection and Maintenance of Mouled Machineslesson 9 Maintenanec of Moulding Machineslesson 10 Mould ChecklistUnit 4 Selling of Mould Productslesson 11 Product Offerslesson 12 Sales Contracts of Mould Productslesson 13 Dispute SettlementProject TwoUnit 5 Job Interviewlesson 14 Job-hunting Letterslesson 15 A Resumelesson 16 Interview SkillsProject ThreeAppendix 1 VocabularyAppendix 2 Translation