出版时间:2006-12 出版社:中国劳动社会保障出版社 作者:林明金,毛浩然 主编 页数:263
职业技能培训是提高劳动者知识与技能水平、增强劳动者就业能力的有效措施。职业技能短期培训能够在短期内使受培训者掌握一门技能,达到上岗要求,顺利实现就业. 为了适应开展职业技能短期培训的需要,促进短期培训向规范化发展,提高培训质量,中国劳动社会保障出版社组织编写了职业技能短期培训系列教材,涉及第二产业和第三产业50多个职业(工种)。在组织编写教材的过程中,以相应职业(工种)的国家职业标准和岗位要求为依据,并力求使教材具有以下特点: 短。教材适合工5-30天的短期培训,在较短的时间内,让受培训者掌握一种技能,从而实现就业。 薄。教材厚度薄,字数一般在10万左右。教材中只讲述必要的知识和技能,不详细介绍有关的理论,避免多而全,强调有用和实用,从而将最有效的技能传授给受培训者。 易。内容通俗,图文并茂,容易学习和掌握。教材以技能操作和技能培养为主线,用图文相结合的方式,通过实例,一步步地介绍各项操作技能,便于学习、理解和对照操作。 这套教材适合于各级各类职业学校、职业培训机构在开展职业技能短期培训时使用。欢迎职业学校、培训机构和读者对教材中存在的不足之处提出宝贵意见和建议。
初级篇 Part Ⅰ?ELEMENTARY COURTESY ENGLISH FOR HOTEL STAFF?酒店员工基础礼貌用语 ?Unit 1?Welcome,Greeting,and Farewell?欢迎、问候和告别 Section A?Phonetics 语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Expressing Welcome?欢迎 ? 1.2 Expressing Greeting?问候 ? 1.3 Expressing Farewell?告别 ?Unit 2?Thanks,Apologies,and Best Wishes?感谢、道歉和祝福 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Expressing Thanks?感谢 ? 2.2 Expressing Apologies?道歉 ? 2.3 Expressing Best Wishes?祝福 ?Unit 3?Permission,Acceptance or Refusal?允许、接受或拒绝 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Asking for Permission?请求允许 ? 3.2 Acceptance or Refusal?接受或拒绝 ?Unit 4?Attitudes?态度 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 Agreement or Disagreement?同意或不同意 ? 4.2 Expressing Suggestions?建议 ?Unit 5?Emotions?情感 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 5.1 Asking Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction?询问满意或不满意 ? 5.2 Reassurance and Sympathy?安慰和同情 ? 5.3 Worries and Regrets?忧虑和遗憾 Part Ⅱ?ELEMENTARY SERVICE ENGLISH FOR HOTEL STAFF?酒店员工基础服务英语 ?Unit 1?At Front Office?前厅部日常服务用语 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Check.in Service?入住服务 ? 1.2 Check.out Service?结账服务 ?Unit 2?At Housekeeping Department?客房部日常服务用语 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Showing a Guest to His/Her Room?引客进房 ? 2.2 Asking to Clean the Room?要求清理房间 ?Unit 3?At Food & Beverage Department?餐饮部日常服务用语 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Expressing Welcome?欢迎 ? 3.2 Food and Beverage Reservation?餐厅预订 ?Unit 4?At Shopping Center?商场部日常服务用语 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 When a Guest is Asking for Directions?宾客问路 ? 4.2 Shopping Service?购物服务 ?Unit 5?At Recreational Center?娱乐部日常服务用语 Section A?Phonetics?语音 Section B?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 5.1 Receiving Telephone Enquiries?受理电话咨询 ? 5.2 Service at Recreational Center?娱乐部日常服务中级A篇 Part Ⅲ?THE FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT?前厅部 ?INTRODUCTION?导言 ?Unit 1?Room Reservation?客房预订 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Independent Reservation?散客预订 ? 1.2 Group Reservation?团队预订 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 2?Receiving Guests?接待客人 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Checking in for Independent Guests?散客入住 ? 2.2 Checking in for Groups?团队入住 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 3?The Bellman?行李员 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Baggage Delivery?搬运行李 ? 3.2 Hotel Facilities and Services Introduction?酒店设施与服务介绍 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 4?Information Service?问讯服务 Section A Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 Showing the Way?指路 ? 4.2 Mail Service?邮寄服务 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 5?Operator Service?接线员服务 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 5.1 Taking a Message?电话留言 ? 5.2 Making an IDD Call?国际直拨长途电话 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 6?The Cashier?收银员 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 6.1 Foreign Currency Exchange?外币兑换 ? 6.2 Checking Out?结账 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 Part Ⅳ?THE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT?客房部 ?INTRODUCTION?导言 ?Unit 1?Floor Attendant?楼层服务员 Section A Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Introducing the Room Facilities?介绍客房设施 ? 1.2 Equipment Rental?设备出租 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 2?Chamber Service?客房服务 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Making up the Rooms?整理房间 ? 2.2 Maintenance Service?维修服务 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 3?Personal Service?个人服务 Section A Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Laundry Service?洗衣服务 ? 3.2 Room Service?客房用餐 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 4?Dealing with Emergency?处理紧急事件 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 In.house Doctor?店内医生 ? 4.2 Lost and Found?失物招领 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅 Part Ⅴ FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT?餐饮部 ?INTRODUCTION?导言 ?Unit 1?Taking a Telephone Reservation?接受电话预订 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Booking Seats?预订座位 ? 1.2 Reserving Banquets?宴会预订 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 2?Seating the Diner?顾客就座 Section A Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Seating the Guests with Reservation?预订顾客就餐 ? 2.2 No Seat is Available?没有空位 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 3?Taking Orders?点菜 Section A Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Western Dinner?西餐 ? 3.2 Chinese Food?中餐 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 4?Serving Dishes & Settling Accounts?上菜和结账 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 Serving Dishes?上菜 ? 4.2 Settling Accounts?结账 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 5?At the Bar?在酒吧 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 5.1 Foreign Liquors and Wines?洋酒 ? 5.2 Chinese Liquors and Wines?中国酒 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读中级B篇 Part Ⅵ?BUSINESS CENTER 商务中心 ?INTRODUCTION 导言 ? 6.1 Fax?传真服务 ? 6.2 Hiring?租用服务 Part Ⅶ?HEALTH CENTER?康乐中心 ?INTRODUCTION 导言 ? 7.1 Talking about Health Club Facilities?谈论俱乐部健身设施 ? 7.2 Introducing Hotel Sauna Service?介绍酒店桑拿服务 Part Ⅷ?CONFERENCE CENTER?会务中心 ?INTRODUCTION 导言 ? 8.1 Conference Room Facilities?会议室设施 ? 8.2 Conference Room Maintenance?会议室维护 Part Ⅸ?CULTURAL AND RECREATIONAL CENTER?文化娱乐中心 ?INTRODUCTION 导言 ? 9.1 At the Ball Room?舞厅 ? 9.2 At the Karaoke Bar?卡拉OK厅 Part Ⅹ?TRAVEL SERVICE?旅游服务 ?INTRODUCTION 导言 ? 10.1 Travel Agency?旅行社 ? 10.2 Travel Tips?旅行指南高级篇 Part XI?HOTEL MANAGEMENT?酒店管理 ?INTRODUCTION?导言 ?Unit 1?Public Relations?公共关系 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 1.1 Arranging for a Conference?安排会议 ? 1.2 Collecting Comments and Suggestions?收集意见和建议 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 2?Settling Complaints?解决投诉 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 2.1 Dealing with a Difficult Guest?与难对付的客人打交道 ? 2.2 Handling a Complaint?处理投诉 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 3?Interview and Orientation?面试和迎新培训 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 3.1 Interview?面试 ? 3.2 Orientation?迎新培训 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读 ?Unit 4?At the Manager?s Office?经理办公室 Section A?Listening and Speaking?听与说 ? 4.1 Morning Briefing?早晨例会 ? 4.2 Negotiation?谈判 Section B?Supplementary Reading?补充阅读附录一?常见中西餐菜谱名称附录二?酒店机构表附录三?《酒店英语》培训指导与建议