
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:中国劳动社会保障出版社  作者:张伯君  页数:69  


  本书根据劳动和社会保障部培训就业司颁发的《经营核算专业教学计划》编写,供全国中等职业技术学校经营核算专业使用。全书共12课,分别讲授了银行业务、会计、会计等式、会计账户、财务报表、收益表、本-量-利关系、成本会计、价格、信用卡、国际贸易以及信用证等专业知识的英语表达。  本书实用易懂,突出英语在经营核算专业中的实际应用,书中配有大量财会图表,并在每课后附有练习题。  本书也可作为经营核算专业人员的培训教材。  本书由张伯君主编,刘璞参编。


Unit One Banking Facilities 1.Opening a New Banking Account 2.Drawing Money against a Traveler's CheckUnit Two Accounting 1.What Is Accounting? 2.Accounting FunctionsUnit Three Accounting Equation 1.Accounting Elements 2.Accounting EquationUnit Four Accounting Accounts 1.Accounting Accounts 2.A Trial BalanceUnit Five Financial Statements 1.Preparing Financial Statements 2.How to Prepare a Balance SheetUnit Six An Income Statement 1.The Importance of an Income Statement 2.Talking about an Income StatementUnit Seven Cost Volume Profit Relationship 1.Budget Preparation 2.Cost Volume Profit AnalysisUnit Eight Cost Accounting 1.Basic Ideas of Cost Accounting 2.How to Compute the Unit CostUnit Nine Price 1.The Price of the Battery 2.Price DiscountUnit Ten Credit Cards 1.About a Credit Card 2.How to Apply for a Credit CardUnit Eleven International Trade 1.A Dialogue about International Trade 2.Compensation TradeUnit Twelve Letter of Credit 1.The Terms of Payment 2.Making Amendments附录附录1.词汇总表附录2.短语总汇附录3.经营核算术语附录4.世界部分国家及其货币名称表



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