
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:中国劳动社会保障出版  作者:陈苹  


  本书根据劳动和社会保障部培训就业司颁发的《饭店服务专业教学计划》编写,供全国中等职业技术学校饭店服务专业使用。全书共分为4大模块,31篇课文,每篇均包括情景对话、短文阅读、词汇、注释和练习。本书涵盖了涉外饭店的主要服务内容及其基本规范用语,内容丰富,图文并茂。  本书也适用于饭店职工培训,亦可供自学者选用。  本书由陈苹主编,钱海沙参编,邹新中审稿,关雅洁绘制插图。


Part Ⅰ  Front Desk Service  Unit One  Receiving a Reservation  Unit Two  Guest Arrival  Unit Three Checking In  Unit Four  Showing a Guest to His Room  Unit Five  Bring Baggage Down  Review Exercises  Unit Six  Taking a Message  Unit Seven Mailing Letters  Unit Eight Booking Tickets  Unit Nine  Exchanging Money  Unit Ten  Checking Out  Review ExercisesPart Ⅱ   Food & Beverage Department  Unit One  Taking a Reservation  Unit Two  Seating Guests  Unit Three Ordering Aperitifs and Hors D'oeuvres  Unit Four  Recommendation of the Main Course  Unit Five  Settling Complaints  Unit Six  Paying the Bill  Review Exercises  Unit Seven Breakfast  Unit Eight Dinner  Unit Nine  Buffet  Unit Ten  In the Bar  Unit Eleven   A Chinese Dinner  Unit Twelve   Room Service  Review ExercisesPart Ⅲ   Housekeeping Service  Unit One  Room Cleaning  Unit Two  Laundry Service  Unit Three Dealing with Complaints  Unit Four  Borrowing Things  Unit Five  Repairs  Unit Six  Lost and Found  Review ExercisesPart Ⅳ   Health & Recreation Service  Unit One  At the Health Center  Unit Two  At the Beauty Center  Unit Three E-mail Service at the Business Center附录1 词汇表附录2 饭店机构表附录3 饭店业常用缩略语



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