出版时间:2008-1 出版社:广播电视 作者:刘洪波 页数:114
While the spoken part of the IELTS exam has three stages and its important to dowell in all the three parts, the examiner has a specific set of criteria by which they giveyou a score. The more familiar you are with these four criteria, the more accuratelyyou can analyse your strengths and weaknesses. These four criteria are equallyimportantso pay attention to all of them.
关于人性化的阅读,编辑团队所做的努力: 关键词:绿色环保——轻型纸是纯木浆纸,在生产过程中不添加荧光增白剂,造纸时对制浆的漂白、蒸煮处理会减少,更多的是打浆处理,因而废液排出会相应减少,在使用过程中挥发出的有害人体的化学因子也会大幅减少。从环保与健康的角度考虑,我们更愿意采用轻型纸。 关键词:保护眼睛的原色调——国际上提供纸张的白度不高于84度,色泽为原色调,本书使用的纸张白度在80度左右,这样可以使因长期阅读导致眼睛疲劳、酸胀的读者在阅读时有舒适感,不刺眼、不疲劳,即便长时间阅读也不会造成视力损伤。 关键词:科学设置的字体字号——我们所使用的字体、字号和行距是基于读者需求来设置的,每页设计的字数可以在阅读疲劳周期的低谷到来之前,使您稍作停顿,减轻阅读疲劳,舒适的阅读感油然而生。 关键词:舒适的手感——轻型纸成书后,切口有毛边,正是这些小毛边提供了柔软的手感,而铜版纸和胶版纸有像小刀一样锋利的质变,容易划伤手。 关键词:昂贵的轻型纸——我们使用了近年来在欧美流行的轻型纸来印刷图书内文,用其印刷的图书比用普通胶版纸或铜版纸印刷的图书重量轻1/3-1/2,方便您随身携带、随时阅读,减轻您的学习负担。 一切为了您的成功和阅读体验……
自幼沉醉于中国山水及音律,留学期间曾叫嚣:做遍七十二行,尝尽人情百态;又高呼:挖资本主义墙角,为社会主义建设添砖加瓦;现好抚琴阅经。其散文集《留学那些事儿》被《海外文摘》、《青年文摘》。等众多媒体登载,广为流传。著有《英文字根词源精讲》、《710分大学英语四级词汇精讲》、《TOEFL iBT词汇精讲》、《雅思经典教程》、《雅思真经系列》等数十部作品。其中2004年出版的《雅思阅读真经》是国内第一本以真题题库为蓝本编写的培训教材,考试命中率极高。面世以来,该系列教材至今已连续三年荣登全国雅思类图书销售排行榜榜首,畅销海内外。
Test 1 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 2 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 3 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 4 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 5 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 6 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 7 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 8 Stage One Stage Two Stage ThreeTest 9 Stage One Stage Two Stage Three
The answer is a bit short and simple, so the examiner challenges the student becausehe didnt really catch the part of the question which said "werent popular 20 yearsYou know that Chinese players really did well in every games of table tennis.Generally speaking, Chinese players are dominant in ping-pong.But I think table tennis or ping-pong was also popular 20 years ago. My mean-ing is what sports are kind of new, I mean theyre popular now but they werentpopular 20 years ago.Note that while "ping-pong" originally comes from Chinese, it is more com-monly used among native speakers than "table tennis" —— thus students should use"ping-pong" to sound more natural.Oh, "new", oh, I see. And perhaps tennis should belong to that kind. You know20 years ago no one knows what tennis is. But now with the development ofeconomy, more and more people began to know and participated in this game.The student could make a stronger response by noting the following corrections:You know 20 years ago no one knows wha.t tennis is.You know 20 years ago no one knew what tennis was.But now with the development of (the) economy, more and more people began(have begun) to know and participated (participate) in this game. (illogical con-nection —— needs to be developed or explained more)As I mentioned before, tennis is perceived as a game to be enjoyed by those ofhigh social status. So in the past, when the country wasnt so developed, it wasntpopular. But in recent years, as the economy and peoples standard of living haveimproved, the game has taken off.