出版时间:2002-4 出版社:新时代出版社 作者:傅铮 雷芳 魏巍 等 页数:239 字数:256000
本书主要是为高自考学生学习英语写作基础课程而编写的教学参考书,同时也是为自学英语初级写作的广大英语爱好者而编写的自学指南。全书共分为两部分:第1部分包括前20课,系统介绍了英语写作基础课程的重点内容和写作中必要的语法现象,其中课程的重点内容包括各种英语语句结构、常见错句、段落结构、段落写法、书写便条、书写信件并且附有必要练习;语法现象包括状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句、16种时态及其被动语态并且随附必要练习;第2部分包括后10课,依据历次考试试卷的试题题型和考核范围,专门设计了10套针对全国和各地区高自考写作考试模拟习题,练习题量大、覆盖面广、内容丰富,并附有详尽的解释说明。 本书结合学习和练习系统地开展英语写作基础训练,并采用英汉对照的形式、含有详细语法辅导,内容由浅入深使自学者达到良好的学习效果。本书不但可用作英语高自考相关学科师生自学、教学的参考书及初级写作培训班的教材,对普通高等学校、成人高等学校学生和英语爱好者也大有裨益。
THE FIRST DAY Section One:The Periodic Sentence &the Loose Sentence Section Two:Adverbial Clauses of Time &Place Section Three:Precis Writing Key to Exercises THE FIRST DAY Section One:The Simple Sentence Section Two:Adverbial Clauses of Condition Section Three:The Format of a Note &Note of Thanks Key to Exercises THE FIRST DAY Section One:The Compound Sentece Section Two:Adverbial Clauses of Concession Section Three:Notes of Messanes Key to Exercises THE FIRST DAY Section One:The Complex Sentence Section Two:Adverbial Clauses of Reason Section Three:Notes of Invitations Key to Exercises THE FIRST DAY Section One:The Compound-Complex Sentence Section Two:Adverbial Clauses of Purpose &Result Section Three:Reply to Invitaitions-Acceptance of Refosal Key to Exercises THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY THE FIRST DAY