出版时间:2011-5 出版社:教育科学出版社 作者:龚亚夫 编 页数:168
第一单元 户外活动与探险第二单元 社会问题与公共事务第三单元 英语国家:澳大利亚第四单元 植物与动物第五单元 广告第六单元 商界第七单元 法律与法规第八单元 态度与动力第九单元 阅读与学习第十单元 教育第十一单元 工作与事业第十二单元 成功之路参考答案
We looked around to find a safe place to put our youngest, Ethan, then put his baby harness(保险费) on him and tied him to a tree stump. He had about eight feet of rope to allow him to explore. When my husband and I were searching out a place to put him we made sure he couldnot reach the fire pit, and that the heat from the fire pit would not be too hot for him and wemade sure there were not a lot of little sticks and twigs he could choke on. He was perfectly safeor so we thought. We did not consider one thing. It was hiding under a bush where we didn't think Ethan could reach. We didn't even think about it until it was too late, and although wehad commented on how pretty the little mushrooms were we didn't ever imagine in our wildestdreams our son would pluck one and have a taste. I noticed first that Ethan had a fist full of mushroom and as I was taking it from his handand telling him "no," my oldest, Owen, exclaimed quite loudly, "Morn, he's eating some!"Wehad told the older three children that the mushrooms aren't for eating or touching because they could be poisnous, but, we didn't think about the baby being able to bother with them. ……