出版时间:2011-5 出版社:教育科学出版社 作者:龚亚夫 编 页数:137
第一单元 有所作为第二单元 传媒第三单元 建筑与工程第四单元 公告与指南第五单元 英语国家:英国第六单元 未来生活第七单元 致命疾病第八单元 医药与保健第九单元 环境与生态第十单元 幸福与欢笑参考答案
The family was tested. Bill and Karen's results were positive. Bill had become in fectedbe fore he met Karen; then he passed the virus on to Karen. The children's results were negative.Within three years, Bill was dead. "I don't know how to express what it is like to watch the once handsome man you love and intend to live with forever dying slowly. I cried many nights.He died three months short of ten years of our marriage," says Karen. Though a doctor to ldKaren that she would soon follow her husband into death, she is still alive. The infection hasprogressed to the early stages of AIDS. Karen is but one of about 30 million people now living with HIV/AIDS, a figure larger than the combined populations of Australia, Ireland and Paraguay. According to one UN report,Africa has 21 million of these victims. By the turn of the century that number could reach 40million and the disease will bring on the greatest disaster in human history. Of the world'ssexually active adults aged 15 to 49, 1 in 100 has already been infected with HIV. Of these, only1 in 10 realizes that he or she is infected. In some parts of Africa, 25 percent of the adults are infected. ……