
出版时间:2010-11-01  出版社:江泽慧 中国林业出版社 (2010-11出版)  作者:江泽慧 编  页数:110  


  竹笋,在中国自古被誉为“菜中珍品”,富含蛋白质、氨基酸、纤维素、矿物元素和维生素等多种营养成分,且具降血脂、抗衰老等多种保健功能,是现代社会追求的绿色健康食品。  竹笋在中国、日本和东南亚国家一直受到普遍欢迎,在欧美和世界其他地区的市场需求也不断增大。近年来,随着有机农业和绿色食品加工业的崛起,竹笋的生产、加工利用和开发研究正进入新的发展阶段。  世界竹资源多位于热带发展中国家未受工业污染、环境清洁的山区。竹笋培育加工属劳动密集型产业,技术相对简单、自动化程度不高、建设投资小,适合发展中国家国情。发展竹笋加工业,对广大发展中国家增加就业、农民增收、繁荣市场和出口贸易有重要作用,这在中国已经得到了非常成功的证明。


Chapter 1 Tropical bamboo shoots cultivation 1 Distribution of Bamboo Resources 1.1 Bamboo Resources in the World 1.1.1 Asia and Pacific Bamboo Region 1.1.2 America Bamboo Region 1.1.3 Africa Bamboo Region 1.1.4 Europe and North America Introduced Region 1.2 Bamboo Resources in China 1.2.1 Bamboo Region between Yellow River and Yangtze River 1.2.2 Bamboo Region between Yangtze River and Nanling Range 1.2.3 Bamboo Region in South China 1.2.4 Bamboo Region in High Mountainous Region in Southwest China 2 Biological Basis in Tropic Bamboo Cultivation 2.1 Characteristics and Functions 2.1.1 Nutritious Components 2.1.2 Reproductive Organ 2.2 Growth Characteristics 2.3 Growth and Environment 3 Nursery Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo 3.1 Nursery Site Preparation 3.2 Nursery Season 3.3 Nursery Techniques 3.3.1 Raising with Seeds 3.3.2 Raising With Branch Cutting 3.3.3 Raising with Buried Culms 3.3.4 Ground Layering 3.4 Nursery Management 4 Afforestation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands 4.1 Site Selection 4.2 Site Preparation 4.3 Planting Season 4.4 Planting Methods 4.4.1 Afforestation with Transferred Mother Culms 4.4.2 Afforestation with Transferred Seedlings 4.4.3 Afforestation with Buried Internodes or Branch Cutting 4.4.4 Density of First Planting 5 Young Stands Cultivation Techniques of Tropical Bamboo Shoot 5.1 Water Management 5.2 Intercropping 5.3 Weeding and Soil-loosening 5.4 Fertilizing 5.5 Keeping Shoots and Protecting Bamboos 5.6 Pest and Disease Control 5.7 Damage by wild animals and their control 6 Efficient Tending Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands 6.1 Soil and Fertilizer Management 6.1.1 Raking to dry in the sun 6.1.2 Fertilizing 6.1.3 Shoot Cultivating 6.1.4 Irrigating 6.1.5 Intertilling and Weeding 6.2 Structure Adjustment 6.2.1 Interclump Density 6.2.2 Innerclump Density 6.2.3 Age Structure of Mother Culms 6.3 Technique of Shoot Harvesting and Culm Retaining 7 Cultivation Techniques of Major Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Species 7.1 Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro 7.1.1 Nursery Techniques 7.1.2 Afforestation Techniques 7.1.3 Management of Young Stands 7.1.4 Management of Mature Stand 7.2 Dendrocalamus oldhami (Munro) Keng f. 7.2.1 Nursery Techniques 7.2.2 Afforestation Techniques 7.2.3 Nursery of Young Stands 7.2.4 Management of Mature Stands Chapter 2 Bamboo tissue culture Introduction 1 Protocol for Sympodial Bamboo Tissue Culture 1.1 Selection of Explants 1.2 Preparation of Medium 1.3 Conditions for Cultivation 1.4 Manipulation of Bamboo Tissue Culture 1.4.1 Bamboo Tissue Culture by Using Stems 1.4.2 Bamboo Tissue Culture by Using Maternal Embryo 2 Design of a bamboo Tissue Culture Laboratory 2.1 General Laboratory 2.2 Aseptic Manipulation Area 2.3 Culture Area 2.3.1 Temperature Control 2.3.2 Light Supply 2.3.3 Humidity Regulation 2.3.4 Design of Shelves Chapter 3 Bamboo shoots processing, packaging and marketing Introduction 1.1 Nutritive Value 1.2 Hygienic and Pharmaceutical Value 1.3 Types of Bamboo Shoots 1.3.1 By Growing Seasons 1.3.2 By Size 1.3.3 By Processing 1.3.4 By Packaging Methods 1.3.5 By Flavor Feature 1.4 Canned/packaged Bamboo Shoots 2 Storage and preservation of fresh bamboo shoots 3 Processing of canned bamboo shoots 3.1 Production techniques of canned moso bamboo shoots 3.1.1 Demand of raw material 3.1.2 Technical process 3.2 Processing techniques of canned Dendrocalamopsis bamboo shoots 3.2.1 Requirement raw material 3.2.2 Technical process 3.3 Processing of sour bamboo shoots 3.4 Soft packaged bamboo shoot 3.5 Processing Equipment 3.5.1 Can seaming machine 3.5.2 Manual sealing clamp 3.5.3 Vacuum packing machine 3.5.4 Air-venting machine 3.5.5 Stainless steel double layered pot 3.5.6 High-pressure retort 3.5.7 Slicing machine 3.5.8 Metal detector 3.5.9 Other tools 3.6 Input requirements 4 GMP for Bamboo Shoot Processing 5 Market Potential and Marketing Strategy 5.1 Market Potential 5.2 Marketing strategy References Appendix 1. Code of Practice for the Cultivation of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro for Shoot Production (Draft) 2. Suggested List of Bamboo for Shoot Production in Asian South Sub-tropical and Tropical Areas 3. Proposed Draft Standard for Canned/Packaged Bamboo Shoots 4. Cost Estimation and Equipment List of a Canned Shoot Factory USD 5. Glossary 6. Abbreviations


版权页:   插图:    frequently to keep moist of soil. It is important to clear weeds in time, and weeds should be cleared away after the rain. When mother culm (branch) sprouts to give rise to new leaves and shoot branches, fertilizer and water management should be reinforced and fertilizer should be conducted with mostly N, P,K compound fertilizer. Fertilization can be operated in low quantity, but many times. In early autumn, fertilizer can be spread outside the root to stimulate a second shooting in autumn. Branches of sympodial bamboos generally root about 60 days after the cutting, shoot 80 days later and shoot again after autumn. Each cut seedling produces 3-5 shoots that year, and becomes a clump of seedlings for afforestation in the following spring. 4 A,fforestation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands 4.1 Site Selection Sympodial bamboos favor warm and humid climate, a great majority of which are vulnerable to cold injury if temperature falls below 0℃, except some species such as B. multiplex as it can stand chilliness to some degree. Especially,cold waves occurring in early winter are likely to bring freezing damage to new bamboos with low lignification, and all of the aerial parts of bamboos including old ones would be frozen to death if under more serious condition. The condition of air temperature, therefore, becomes a major restricting factor for sympodial bamboo introduction in a larger scale. Annual rainfall should be considered besides climate condition in selecting planting site. Those places where sympodial bamboos are fit to grow usually have more than 1,200 mm of annual rainfall, mainly in growth season of bamboos. Bamboo grows well in fertile sandy loam rich in humus and alluvium with well drainage. Naturally, plantations of sympodial bamboos targeted at production and management are favorable to be established on sites such as riverbanks, wet regions along brooks and drills. As sympodial bamboos have no scattered bamboo rhizomes under the ground, if plantations of sympodial bamboos are aimed at ecological protection, it doesn't have much severe demand for the planting soil. Bamboos can be planted on the valley with uncovered rocks, but it is not suitable for afforestation on a place where there is too many stones and gravels, or heavy sticky, a place with aridity,impeded drainage, soil and mountain ranges with a bit alkalescency, and poor water supply. 4.2 Site Preparation Different ways of soil preparation are dependent on types of planting land, conditions of terrain, topography and ecological environment. There are usually three methods as follows.





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