
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:中国林业出版社  作者:曹福祥 主编  页数:290  


本书主要内容包括土壤学、林木种子、林木育苗与树木学、森林生态学、遗传育种、森林经理、森林培育和3S技术等方面,分别选定若干主题。每课主要由课文,相应参考译文,阅读材料组成。为了加深学生对课文的理解,每课都配有相应的阅读理解资料,而阅读材料是与课文相关的文章,是课文的拓展部分,以加深学生对一些专业理论、观点的全面理解。    本书旨在帮助读者提高林学专业英语文献的阅读理解能力,同时加强专业英语的翻译、写作、交流能力。另一方面,通过对本教材的学习和阅读,也可以巩固和拓展读者的专业知识。    本书可作为林学及其相关专业学生的英语教材,也可供上述相关专业的教师、科研人员参考。


Part One  Seed and Seeding Lesson 1  Seed Development and Harvest Lesson 2  Seed Treatment Lesson 3  Seed StoragePart Two  Dendrology Lesson 4  Tree Identification Lesson 5  Chinese Chestnut and Loblolly Pine Lesson 6  Seed and Vegetative Propagation Lesson 7  Cultural Practices for Producing Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Containers Lesson 8  Seedling Quality TestingPart Three  Soil Lesson 9  Soil Lesson 10  Soil Physical Properties Lesson 11   Chemical Properties of Forest Soils-soil Acidity Lesson 12  Soil ErosionPart Four  Ecology Lesson 13  The Characters of Ecosystem Lesson 14  Community Lesson 15  Physical Environment of the Forest Ecosystem Lesson 16  Population EcologyPart Five  Genetics and Breeding Lesson 17  Early Selection in Trees Lesson 18  Great Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Lesson 19  Qualitative Traits of Almond Lesson 20  Effects of Colonization Process on Genetic Diversity: Differences between Annual Plants and Tree Species Lesson 21  Populus: a Model Tree in ForestryPart Six  Silviculture Lesson 22  Stratification Lesson 23  Fitting Species to the Site Lesson 24  Tree Planting Lesson 25  Thinning and Its Objectives Lesson 26  PruningPart Seven  Forest Management   Lesson 27  Forest Inventory Lesson 28  Structure and Growth of StandsPart Eight  3S Technology Lesson 29  Remote Sensing Lesson 30  Atmospheric Effects on Remote Sensing Lesson 31  Geographic Information Systems Lesson 32  GIS Softwares Lesson 33  Global Positioning System



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  •   作为教材学习的
  •   很实用的一本书,很好很好 就是我们要用的
  •   这本书非常好看~~满意
  •   正需要这样一本书
  •   寄到家里了,没有看,据说很不错!
  •   书的质量很好,印刷清晰,全新的~~~很满意
  •   物品很好,谢谢
  •   没什么不足,适合课外阅读,丰富林学专业的词汇量
  •   内容齐全,好书

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