
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:中国林业出版社发行部  作者:王其超 编  


本书为全英文版。This book describes China lotus flower's germplasm resources and its distribution, ecological habitat,propagation and cultivation, genetic improvement, cultivar classification system,etc.608cultivars of lotus flower are included,which reflect the collection of the germplasm resources and best cultivars in China.712 beautiful pictures would make the book an integration of scientific knowledge and practical techniques , and more readable.


WAN QICHAO and ZHANG XIGYAN are couple; the graduated from Hubei Agricultural College together in 1950. They are engaged in floricultural technolgy for more than 40 years in Whhan,and all were research professors of the Center of Chinese Lotus Research before they retired.


ForewordPrefacePartⅠ 1 Species Origin and Distribution of Chinese Lotus   Species Origin and Characteristics  Distribution and Ecological Environment  2 The History of Lotus Flower Cultivation in China  Early Developing Period: Eastern Zhou Dynasty to Qin, Han, Three  Kingdoms Dynasty(7th Century BC-265 AD)  Developing Period: Jin Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty  and Song Dynasty (265--1271 AD)  Flourishing Period: Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and the Early Time  of Qing Dynasty (1271 - 1840AD)  Decline Period: Late Qing Dynasty till the Republic of China(1840-1949AD)  Fast Developing Period: From 1950' s to Now 3 Morphology and Structure of Lotus  Bud  Root  Stem  Leaf  Flower  Fruit and Seed 4 Ecological Habit of Lotus Flower  Phenophase  Growth Habit  Flowering and Fruiting Habit  Ecological Habit 5 Propagation and Cultivation of Lotus   Propagation   Growth Management   Disease and Pest Control 6 Genetic Improvement of Lotus  The Conservation of the Genetic Resources of Lotus  The Genetic Diversity of Lotus  Status, Obiectives and Pathways of Genetic Improvement of Lotus. 7 New Classification System of Lotus Flower Cultivars  The Brief Survey of the Classification of Lotus Cultivars  Application of "Dual Classification System"of Ornamental Plants  into Lotus Cultivars Classification  New Classification System of Lotus Flower Cultivars  Cultivars Distinguishing from Vegetative Organ and Habit……PartⅡAppendixReferencesIndex of Lotus Cultivars and Their English Description




书评This book contains germplasm resources and its distribution, brief history of growing, ecological habitat, propagation and growing, genetic improvement, cultivar classification, criteria of description and cultivar introduction. Totally 712 pictures were used in the book in order to make the book an integration of scientific knowledge and practical techniques, and eventually make the book more readable. Our aim is to present an improved lotus flower book compared to previous ones. What a short life, although we contributed our life to a smallflower and achieved something, there is still much work need to be done. We realize that we get aged and it is difficult for us to go on though we are still ambitious. We hope the coming researchers have a better performance and flourishing lotus flower industry in 21st century.




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