
出版时间:2000-8  作者:中华人民共和国国家林业局 编  


《中国林业(1949-1998)(英文)》主要内容:This book traces the history of China's Forestry development over the past fifty years,which has been guided by the“three ecological theories.”it reviews its current staturs,and realizing the benefits of adopting advanced international management theories and practies,proposes a path of development based on six key programs.In the implementation of these programs,forestry development will undergo major changes,especially in the shift in emphasis from timber production to the preservation and enhancement of the ecological environment.The six key programs will facilitate the five phases of transitions to realize striding development.This will form the basic framework of the theory of forestry development in the new century,signaling the industry's entry into a new phase of accelerated development which will proepl the country toward sustaiinable growth.
The theories,policies,and models discussed in this book will be useful to policy makers,researchers,specialists,entrepreneurs,and consulatnts who are involved with the environmental and forestry industry.Its publicaton will play an improtant role in facilitating exchange and cooperation among the international forestry community and contribute greatly to a better environment for all.



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