
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:国务院第二次全国农业普查领导小组办公室、 中国人民共和国国家统计局 中国统计出版社 (2010-01出版)  


Part One  Summary of the Second National Agricultural Census  1. Census Coverage and Objects  2. Condition and Activities of Agriculture Sector  3. Rural Infrastructure and Basic Social Service  4. Living Condition of Rural Residents  5. Rural Labour and Employment  6. Arable LandPart Two  Census Coverage and ObjectsPart Three  Condition and Activities of Agriculture Sector  Section A  Number of Agricultural Holdings and Agricultural Labour  Section B  Condition of Agriculture Sector  Section C  Sown Area of Farm Crops and Number of Livestocks at the End of 2006  Section D  Statistics on Agricultural Impersonal EntitiesPart Four  Rural Infrastructure and Basic Social Service  Section A  Towns and Townships Infrastructure and Basic Social Service  Section B  Village Infrastructure and Basic Social ServicePart Five  Living Conditions of Rural ResidentsPart Six  Rural Labour and Employment  Section A  Number of Labour or Employed Labour Permanently Residing in Rural Area  Section B  Number of Labour or Employed Labour with Register Identification in Rural HouseholdPart Seven  Comparison on the Census Results of 2006 with I996  Section A  The Basic Statistics on Rural Area in 1996 and 2006  Section B  The Basic Statistics on Agriculture in 1996 and 2006Part Eight  Methodology of the Second National Agricultural Census  1. Introduction to the Census Methodology  2. Questionnaire of the Census  3. Explanatory Notes on the Major Items of Questionnaires  4. Explanatory Notes on the Major Indicators of the Consofidated Tables


根据国务院决定,我国于2006年12月31日开展了第二次全国农业普查。时期资料为2006年度,普查对象为我国境内的农村住户、城镇农业生产经营户、农业生产经营单位、村民委员会和乡镇人民政府。普查主要内容包括:农业生产条件、农业生产经营活动、农业土地利用、农村劳动力及就业、农村基础设施、农村社会服务、农村居民生活,以及乡镇、村民委员会和社区环境等方面情况。农业普查采用全面调查的方法,对所有普查对象由普查员进行逐个查点和填报。通过普查,掌握了我国有关农业、农村、农民的基本情况。    这本由国务院第二次全国农业普查领导小组办公室、中华人民共和国国家统计局编写的《中国第二次全国农业普查资料综合提要(英文版)》由八大部分组成,包括:简要文字说明和主要指标统计图表;第一、二次全国农业普查主要结果对比;农业生产情况;农村住户情况;行政村概况;乡镇概况;第二次全国农业普查指标和方法制度的简要说明等。



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