出版时间:2005-9 出版社:法律 作者:唐荣曼
Roman Tomasic,Research Professor and Professor of Law at Victoria University in Melbourne ,Australia and has been the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at VU;he is the General-Editor of the Australian Journal of Corporate Law .He has an interest in comparative commercial law and has a strong interest ihn Chinese economic law reforms aimed at moderning Chinese business laws.
1 Comparing Corporate Governance Principles:China,Australia and teh OECD2 Company Law Reform in China :Its Basic Aims and Corporate Performance in China3 An Empirical Analysis of Independent Directorship and Corporate Performance in China4 On the Prevention of Ultra Vires Behavior by Directors5 Globalisation,Corporate Transparency and Social Networks:Implications for Decision——Making Delegation in Chinese Firms6 Conceptual Changes for Enterprise Management in China:An Analysis of the Quality of Corporate Assets ,Profits and Cash7 Corporate Govenance in China:Drawing Lessons from the USA and Japan8 The Emerging Role and Function of Accountants and the Accounting Profession in Ensuring Good Corporate Governance in China:Are Accountants Keeping Up?9 Accounting Regulation and Corporate Governance in China's Listed Companies-an Current ISSUES10 Financial Accounting Information and Corporate Govermance:Chinese Listed Companies11 Auditing and Auditors in Post-WTO China12 Contradictions in Corporate Governance and Government13 Corporate Governance in the PRC Rail Industry:Lesson from China Railway Express14 A Critique of Post-WTO Corporate Govenance Practics of Chinese-Owned Enterprises from a Competition Perspective15 Regulating Professional Services for Corporate Governance in Post-WTO China16 The Corporate System and the Institutional Arrangement of Public Provision17 Corporate Governance Transition in State-Owned18 Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Post-WTO China19 The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies in China :Some Problems and Solutions