出版时间:2004-1 出版社:法律出版社 作者:托马斯·R·哈格德 页数:487
本书可能帮助你解决或避免诸如此类的问题。它提出好的法律写作的特点是精确、明晰、简短、简洁和语气职业化。它详述了写作的过程特别是其中涉及的诸多具体问题,包括如何开头、如何确定写作的内容、如何选择正确的概念、怎样组织结构、怎样避免模糊、写作的风格和惯用语、如何定义、产生法律后果的用语以及当法律写作造成模棱两可时所适用的法律解释规则等。同时单独讨论了合同和立法文件的写作以及用计算机写作和写作的道德等问题。本书大量使用了包括以上所引范例在内的生动例子,同时语言刻意浅显易懂,因而非常适合具有一定英语基础的法学院学生和包括律师面人的法律从业人员阅读。 本书为如何进行法律写作提供了大纲,并告诉律师们如何能满足客户的要求,解决现存的问题,避免将来可能会产生的问题等。本书内容权威,详细介绍了一般的写作过程,并告诉你如何开始的诀窍。而且还介绍了法律写作的概要,如何选择正确的概念,如何避免含糊其词以及起草的原则等。本书并不是像一般的写作书那样,只是向你提供一些写作的标准格式,而是告诉你写作中的要素,让你在写作中表现出自己的特色。本书不仅是一本写作书,从这本书里你还可以学到最新的写作指南,让你的写作更切实际、更准确。
PREFACE PARTI .INTRODUCTIONChapter 1: A Philosophy of Drafting A .The Characteristics of Good LegalWriting 1.Accuracy 2.Clarity 3.Concision 4.Simplicity 5.Tone B. Three Types of Legal Writing 1.Discoursive Writing 2.Litigation-Related Writing 3.Normative Writing C. The Ultimate Consequence of DraftedDocuments D .Drafting as a Facilitator of Self-Govern-ment and Economic Enterprise E. Drafting as a Form of PreventiveLawyering F. Drafting as an Intellectual Exercise 1.Knowledge of the Law 2.Investigation 3.Conceptualization 4.Prescience 5.Organization G. Drafting as a Literary Exercise 1.Words 2.Sentences 3.Other Word ConstructionTechniques 4.Headings H. Drafting as an Ethical Exercise I. The Costs of Bad Drafting 1.Social Costs 2.Client Costs 3.Drafter Costs J. Drafting From Scratch Chapter 2: Contract Drafting A .The Role of the Contract Drafter B. Recurring Problems in ContractDrafting 1.Unintended Contracts 2.Documents Intended to be Contractshat Fail 3.Contracts Containing Gaps 4.Ambiguous and UnnecessarilyVague Terms 5.Unanticipated Events C. Types of Contracts
7. Signature Blocks This provides a place for the parties and witnesses, if any, to sign. Type the name and title below the signature line. Signatures should not be on a separate page; include some of the text of the contract on the page on which the signatures appear. In addition, on extremely important documents, the parties should initial each page at the bottom. 8. Date If the date was not included in the lead paragraph, include it here. 9. Notarization If the contract is to be notarized, the notarys statement, signature, and seal come last. 10. An Appendix Many complex commercial, financial, and corporate contracts include an appendix containing exhibits and schedules. An exhibit usually consists of a document that is relevant to, but not a part of, the agreement itself. In a multi-party transaction, the contract between Acme Corporation and Beta Corporation may build on or interface with the contract between Beta Corporation and Charlie Corporation, which would thus be attached as an exhibit to the Acme/Beta contract. A schedule, on the other hand, is properly a part of the agreement. It may consist of a list of persons to whom certain notices must be sent, important but incredibly tedious technical data, computation formula, and even standard boilerplate provisions promulgated by government regulation or industry trade groups. The appendix should have its own table of contents and be consecutively paginated, even if some of the inclosed documents have their own original pagination.
总序许传玺 在美国法律教育界与律师实务界,这套“美国法精要”(NutshellSeries)是颇具特色的一套丛书。这套书最突出的特点当推它们的简捷明快、深入浅出。每种书均由富有教学经验的法学教授执笔,在三、四百页的篇幅内介绍某一法律部门的基本原理、主要法规和重点案例。 由于这些特点,这套丛书受到了无数美国读者的欢迎和喜爱。众多法学院的学生将这套书作为课外的辅助教材,由此掌握美国各主要部门法的精义。执业律师也经常借助这套书,以迅速了解自己尚未熟习的某些部门法,或者温习过去曾经学过的某些课程。 相信这套丛书也能赢得国内读者的欢迎。无论是法律专业的本科生、研究生,还是执业律师或其他人士,都能从这套丛书中获得有关美国法律的大量知识,对自己的学习和工作有所助益。此外,通过阅读原汁原味的英文来学习美国法律也应能提高读者的法律英语水平,促进与美国同行的直接对话与交流。 应原出版者的要求,这套丛书的国内版增加了中文前言,以介绍美国各部门法的概况、每种书的内容及原书作者等等。这些前言作者都是在美国受过专业教育或从事专门研究的法律学者甚或专家。相信他们的介绍会对读者有所帮助。 Happyrcading! 1999年4月 于哈佛法学院