
出版时间:1999-10  出版社:法律出版社  作者:哈里·格劳斯  页数:511  


在美国法律教育界与律师实务界,“美国法精要”是颇具 特色的一在套书,其特点是简捷明快、深入浅出。美国法学院的学生将其作为课外教材,由此掌握美国各主要部门法的精义;执业律师也经常借助这套书,以迅速了解某 些部门法的相关情况。我国的读者通过阅读原汁原味的英文来学习美国法律,可有效提高法律英语水平,促进与美国同行的对话与交流。


PREFACETABLE OF CASESPART I.PERSPECTIVES  Chapter 1.Sources and Applications of Family Law  Chapter 2.The New Family and the New Constituional LawPA RT II.  CREATION OF THE MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP  Chapter 3.Marriage  Regulation: Substantive Requirements  Chapter 4.Marriage Formalities and Informal (Common Law)Marriage  Chapter 5.Effects of Non-compliance With Marriage Regulation  Chapter 6.Unmarried Cohabitation  Chapter 7.Variability of the Marriage ContractRART III. SPOUSAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS IN THE ONGOING MARRIAGE  Chapter 8.Husband and Wife in the Ongoing Marriage—Sopport and Property  Chapter 9.Husband and Wife in the Ongoing Marriage—Names,Torts and Crimes  Chapter 10.Equality of SpousesRART IV.CREATION OF THE RARENT AND CHILD RELATIONSHIP  Chapter 11.Legitimacy,Illegitimacy,Paternity—and the Unmarried Father's Custodial Rights  Chapter 12.Adoption  Chapter 13.Artificial Insemination,In Vitro Fertilization,Embryo Transfers and Surrogate MotherhoodPART V.THE PARENT AND CHILD BELATIONSHIP  Chapter 14.Parental Authority and Custodial Obligations  Chapter 15.The Child Support Obligation  Chapter 16.Child Support Enforcement  Chapter 17.Child Neglect and Abuse,Dependency,Termination of Parental Rights  Chapter 18.Child Custody on DivorceRART VI. TERMINATION OF MARITAL STATUS  Chapter 19.Divorce,Traditional Style  Chapter 20.“Limited Divorce”and“Separate Maintnance”  Chapter 21.Annulment  Chapter 22.The Adversary Process,Family Lawyers,Family Courts,Conciliation,Mediation,Arbitration  Chapter 23.Divorce Jurisdiction and Recognition of  Out-of-State Divorces  Chapter 24.Divorce Reform-Mission Overachieved?PART VII.ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF DIVORCE  Chapter 25.Alimony  Chapter 26.Division of Property on Divorce  Chapter 27.Divisibility of Pensions and Professional Licenses  Chapter 28.Taxation,Enforcement,Duration and Other Legal Attributes of Alimony,Property Division and Child Support  Chapter 29.Separation Agreements




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