出版时间:2012-8 出版社:中国旅游出版社 作者:韦夏婵 主编 页数:216 字数:190000
Unit 1 Careers in Hospitality Industry
Ⅰ Reading: The Hospitality Industry
Ⅱ Warm Up: Workplaces in Hospitality Industry
Ⅲ Career Planning
Ⅳ Writing: Resume
Ⅴ Learning More
Unit 2 Travel Agent
Ⅰ Reading: Travel Agency and Travel Agent
Ⅱ Warm Up: Procedure of Travel Inquiry
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing:Reply to Inquiry Email
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit 3 Meeting Guests
Ⅰ Reading: On the Way to the Hotel
Ⅱ Warm Up: Traveling Abroad
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: Welcome Speech
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit4 Receptionist
Ⅰ Reading: Receptionist job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up : Types of Hotels
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: Letter of Confirmation
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit5 Concierge
Ⅰ Reading: Concierge Job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up: Jobs of a Concierge
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Ⅵ Writing: A Reply to a Complaint Letter
Ⅶ Learning More
Unit 6 Housekeeper
Ⅰ Reading: Housekeeper job Description
Ⅱ Warm Up: Room Facilities
Ⅲ Dialogues
Ⅳ Listening
Ⅴ Speaking
Unit 7 One Button Service
Unit 8 Host and Hostess
Unit 9 Waiter and Waitress
Unit 10 Bartender
Unit 11 Tour Guide 1 On the Way to the Attraction
Unit 12 Tour Guide 2 In the Scenic Spot
Unit 13 Tourist Shopping
Unit 14 Entertainment
Unit 15 Health Care
Unit 16 Farewell
版权页: 插图: Ⅰ Reading: Host and Hostess Job Description Restaurant hosts and hostesses serve as personal representatives of the restaurant forwhich they work. They are in charge of making reservations and greeting guests when theyarrive at the restaurant. They also seat the guests and make sure that they enjoy theirmeal. Hosts and hostesses try to give guests a good impression about the restaurant bygreeting them in a warm, friendly manner. If guests have to wait to be seated, hosts andhostesses should make them comfortable while they are waiting. The guest is given an ideathat how long they have to wait and where are seated in a waiting area. Sometimes hostsand hostesses suggest that the diners wait at the bar and have a drink. Hosts and hostesseslocate a table which is the right size for the guest, take the guest to the table and givethem the menu. They may also assist guests in seating small children, or fill their waterglasses. While greeting incoming guests, hosts and hostesses also must take care who areleaving. Some hosts and hostesses have to know how to operate a cash register and work asa cashier in some restaurants. Dicussion: Do you know any skills when seating different groups of guests ? Ⅱ Warm Up: Types of Restaurants Match the best meaning given below with the expressions that follow. a.__ As known as family style dining in the United States, offer moderately pricedentrees, can be any number of themes, from Italian to seafood, to Mexican.These restaurants offer table side service, non-disposable dishes, while still keeping the menu moderately priced.