出版时间:2008-1 出版社:中国旅游 作者:楼庆西 页数:332 译者:苏光
The Chinese house with the "bay" an a unit which is the space within four columns is a simple rectangle in plan .It is enither complex in outside appearance,nor big in proportion, and this is true for ordinary people's quadrangles as well for the feudal emperors' palaces.
Chapter 1 Structure of Chinese Traditional Architecture Timber-frame Structure in Chinese Architecture Big Roof Bracket Sets (dougong) Timber-frame Structure, Merits and Demerits Chapter 2 Quadrangles and Forbidden City Regular Quadrangles and the City Planning and Layout of Forbidden City Architectures in Forbidden City Decorations of Architectures in Forbidden City Construction of Forbidden City Chapter 3 Sacrificial Offering and Altars and Temples Birth of Altars and Temples for Sacrificial Offering Temple of Heaven, Beijing Altar of the Land and Grain, Beijing Mountain Worshipping Ancestor Worshipping Ancestral Hall of the People Chapter 4 Tombs Qin and Nan Tombs Tang and Song Tombs Thirteen Tombs of Ming Dynasty Eastern and Western Tombs of Qhng Dynasty Chapter 5 Buddhist Architectures Grottoes Buddhist Temples and Halls Buddhist Mountains Buddhist Architectures of Tibetan Buddhism and Southern Buddhism Chapter 6 Buddhist Pagodas Chinese Pagodas Different Types of Pagodas Extension of Buddhist Pagodas Chapter 7 Imperial Gardens Classification of Gardens and Their Special Features Imperial Gardens of Qing Dynasty Examples of Imperial Gardens Famous Gardens Looted Chapter 8 Private Gardens Private Gardens, Beijing Private Gardens, Jiangnan Area Theory and Technology of Chinese Ancient Garden Building Artistic Conception of Chinese Gardens Chapter 9 Residences Quadrangular Residences Caves Houses on Stilts Ganlan Houses Yurts Stone Pillbox Residences Chapter 10 Petty Architectures Archways Lions Screen Walls Postscript