
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:中国旅游  作者:刘爱服  页数:317  






Part One The Evolution of Beijing
 History of Beijing
 1. Formation of the Geography of Beijing
 2. Traces of Ancient Man
 3. The Origin of,the City
 4. The Names of the City
 5. The Capital City in Different Dynasties
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Beijing Today
 1. A Brief Introduction to Beijing
 Useful Words and Expressions
 2. The Development in Beijing
 Useful Words and Expressions
 3. Beijing Cuisine
 Useful Words and Expressions
 4. Arts and Crafts in Beijing
 Useful Words and Expressions
 5. Peking Opera
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Revised and Updated English Tour Guiding in Beijing
 6. Official Holidays & Festivals in Beijing in Beijing
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
Part Two Highlights for the Tourists in Beijing
 1. Tian'anmen Rostrum
 2. Structures in Front of Tian'anmen
 3. Tian'anmen Square in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
 4. Tian'anmen Square Today
 5. Attractions on Tian'anmen Square
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 The Forbidden City
 1. The History of the Forbidden City
 2. The Outer Court
 3. The Inner Court
 4. The Six Western Palaces
 5. The Six Eastern Palaces
 6. The Exhibition of Treasures
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 The Summer Palace
 1. The History of the Summer Palace
 2. Scenic Spots in the Summer Palace
 3. The Front Hill Area
 4. The Back Hill Area
 5. The Kunming Lake Area
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 The Temple of Heaven
 1. The History of the Temple of Heaven
 2. The Architectural Complex of the Altar of Prayer for
 3. the Architectural Complex of the Circular Mound Altar
 4. The Heaven Worshipping Ceremony
 5. The Palace of Abstinence
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 Ming Tombs
 1. History of the Ming Tombs
 2. Sacred Way
 3. Changling (Emperor Yongle's Tomb)
 4. Dingling (Emperor Wanli's Tomb)
 5. The Underground Palace
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 The Great Wall
 1. The History of the Great Wall
 2. The Construction of the Great Wall
 3. Function of the Great Wall in Chinese History
 4. The Great Wall at Badaling
 5. The Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass
 6. The Great Wall in the Beijing Area
 7. Zhan Tianyou and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 Yonghegong Lamasery
 1. The History of the Lamasery
 Revised and Updated English Tour Guiding in Beijing
 2. Main Structures in The Lamasery
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
 Beihai Park
 1. The History of Beihai Park
 2. Scenic Spots in Qionghua Islet Area
 3. East Shore of the Lake
 4. North Shore of the Lake
 5. Round City / Circular City (Tuancheng)
 Useful Words and Expressions
 Questions for Discussion
Part Three Professional Tour Guiding Skills
 Handling the Problems in Tour Guiding
 1. How to handle the problems that tour guides often come across
 2. How to deal with personal special requests?
 3. What should a tour guide do in case of emergency?
 4. What must be done when the number of tourists has
 5. How to deal with loss problems?
 6. What should a tour guide do when a tourist is ill?
 7. What should a tour guide do when a tourist dies of
 8. What should a tour guide do when a traffic accident


插图:Because of the limited water supply in Dadu, Kublai commissioned the famoushydraulic expert Guo Shoujing to solve this problem. Gou brought the spring waterof Shenshan Mountain in Changping, north of Beijing to the south and then broughtthe water from the Jade Spring Hill in the Western Hills into the Kunming Lake andthen to the lake in the city atJishuitan (Water Accumulating Pool). He also built .theTong Hui Canal linking Tongzhou, the terminal of the Grand Canal, withJishuitan.It formed a waterway from north Shenshan to the south of Jade Spring Hill and thento the city Jishuitan and to the east Tongzhou Grand Canal. The sluice gates werealso built along the way from Tongzhou Grand Canal to the capital city in order tomake the balance of the water level because the city is much higher than Tongzhou.This greatly improved the water supply in the Yuan Dynasty. Tonghui extensionenabled the canal cargoes from the south to enter the city of Dadu. After that, thearea between Jishuitan and the Drum Tower became the commercial center of thecity. The prosperous city of Dadu attracted many merchants and foreign traders, andthe frequent contacts between Yuan China and foreign countries promoted the growthof the economic and the cultural exchanges. The Yuan rulers were probably muchmore open to the outside than the rulers in the Ming other dynasties. Afew foreigners were even appointed as officials in the Yuan Imperial Court. Thefamous Italian traveler Marco Polo came to China with his father and uncle inNovember 1271 and received special favor and was appointed as a consultant officialof the Yuan Empire by Kublai Khan. Later, he described in his book of "Travels" :"On the banks of a great river, there stood an ancient city of great size and splendorwhich was named Khanbaliq, or Khans city. " Today, we still can see some Yuanconstruction buildings in Beijing. For instance:






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  •   很全面的一本书,以前的一本送朋友了,给自己又买一本,无论对于英语学习或者了解北京历史都是很好的帮助。
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  •   书不错,对北京的景色描写的不错。值得购买
  •   本书的2011修订版很实用,内容详实。增加了单词表和生词音标。还配有英语专家录音CD很好。Wonderful!
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