
出版时间:2004-4  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:姚宝荣  页数:361  


《模拟导游教程》根据全国高等旅游院校外语专业模拟导游课程教学大纲的要求编写,适用于在听、说、读、写、译等语能力方面受过严格训练,同时已掌握了较系统的旅游专业知识的英语(旅游)专业高年级学,同时也可以作为导游人员的培训教材。    《模拟导游教程》分为“初为导游”、“导游工作程序”、“景点导游”和“翻译练习答案”四大部分。    第一部分详细介绍了导游员应具备的素质,导游工作的性质及在导旅游过程中可能遇到的各种问题及解决办法。    第二部分包括各种形式的对话及欢迎辞、欢送辞、城市简介、沿途导游等,试图通过在不同场景中导游活动的示范与演练,引导学生综合运用所学语言知识,熟悉旅游活动各个环节、规范导游语言的特点,使其基本具备规范化接待与服力的能力。    第三部他将我国具有代表性的旅游资源分为10个类别,每个类别为一单元。每个单元课文A的内容着重介绍该类景观的特点,使学生通过学习,可以举一反三,触类旁通。课文B主要选择各类景观中在全国具代表性的景点,教师在教学中也可以选择本地典型景点作为课文B的教学内容。通过这部分的教学,学生可初步掌握各类景观的基本内容以及相应导游技巧。    第四部分为翻译练习答案。


Part One Learn to Be a Tour Guide  Unit One  What is a Tour Guide  Unit Two  Professionalism  Unit Three  Planning a Tour  Unit Four  Meeting the Guests  Unit Five  Moving People  Unit Six  Leadership  SKills  Unit Seven   Tips on Dealing with Problems(1)  Unit Eight   Tips on Dealing with Problems(2)Part Two Working Procedure  Unit One   Greeings  Unit Two   En Route  Unit Three   Hotel Accommodations  Unit Four  Itinerary  Discussion  Unit Five  Dining in China  Unit Six  Shopping   Unit Seven   Entertainment  Unit Eight  Farewell  Unit Nine  Handling GomplaintsPart Three Tourist Attractions  Unit One  China's Mountains  Unit Two  China's Rivers  Unit Three  Ancient Defensive Projects  Unit Four  The Art of Classical Chinese Gardens……Part Four Key to the Translation Practice


版权页:   插图:   Master-of-nets Garden In Suzhou you can see many gardens.Most of them were built in the course of the last centuries by rich officials,merchants and landowners.Here great estate-owners enjoyed the advantages of city but still did not want to give up the country atmosphere.Merchants fulfilled their desire to own a plot of land in the country and were still within reach of the city's bustling activities.Historical sources revealed that during their heyday,the notable gardens in the city numbered 200.Villas of various sizes in the shape of different buildings,halls and pavilions stood in these gardens.They represented a small world of their own,in which all elements existing under the sun were supposed to be present.The builders tried their best to create a maximum number of landscapes within a limited space.The most important elements in the garden,as you are going to find out very soon,are ponds and mountains.Because Suzhou lies on the low ground,it is easy to install ponds.When you go to visit these gardens,you will frequently come across the so-called Taihu stones.They are bizarrely shaped rocks used singly or in piles to decorate the gardens.Taihu stones are of porous limestone,which usually come from the West Mountain Island in Taihu Lake.We simply throw the stones into the lake and have them exposed to water for several years.In this way,stones with bizarre shapes full of holes can be created.The gardens are supposed to reproduce a country as well as an urban atmosphere.Thus,pavilions,terraces,halls and towers are all parts of a typical Suzhou garden.You can also see bamboo plants,flowers and different kinds of trees.Usually the gardens are encircled by walls.In the inner walls there are moon-shaped and vase-shaped gates,polygonal openings and windows with imaginative latticework.Animals,mainly fish and song-birds,are also parts of the gardens.The gardens are supposed to create a poetic mood.Often they are the scene of the poets' competitions.So the builders not only had to be architects,but also painters and poets.Often,several people are engaged in the construction of one garden.In the past,many grounds were neglected during times of wars.Since the founding of new China,all efforts have been made to restore them.





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  •   这本书是我们导游英语课的课本,一个学期用下来觉得还是蛮不错的,对于英语导游的全过程有较为详细的介绍。对于风景文化常识也有一定的概述,能使初学导游英语的同学有很大的帮助,是一本不错的导游英语教材。^_^
  •   确实是很实用的一本书,大概可以当教材来用了吧呵呵整体不错哦,就是内容稍微有点偏难,对于初涉导游行业的同志们可能会感觉有点恐怖呢.不过内容很有用也很充实,如果把这一整本书的内容全部烂熟于心,带外团应该没问题了,毕竟是英语...
  •   很好的一本导游学习书啊,全英文的,英文导游考试要用的,短文复述就是出自这本书。
  •   这本书可以说是一本老资质的书了堪称是经典对英导朋友来说是必不可少的一本资料书
  •   挺好的哈不过专业名词还是有点少
  •   这本书对于英语不好的人很实用
  •   帮室友买的,课程需要
  •   是选修课要买的,简单易懂
  •   不错,和所用的一样
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  •   还没有完全读完,整体不错。只不过旅游礼仪这本书封面有些许污迹和捆绑印子。
  •   GOOD内容很详细纸张也不错
  •   是学校要求买的
  •   教材来的~老师都跳着上~应该是很经典的吧还要谢谢当当提供了书还提供了那么好的价格!
  •   全英文,解释什么的还可以
  •   非常好的一本书,质量好,没有灰尘。这本书对学习导游英语方面的知识有很大的帮助
  •   书很不错,发货2、3天就到了,而且价格便宜。购书方便是最大的一点优点

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