
出版时间:2000-8  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:国家旅游局 编  页数:366  译者:王军  


Under the auspices of the National Tourism Administration,a number of veteran guide-interpreters,trainers and administra-tors tors from China's tourism industry have collected,compared and chosen from over 100 pieces of sightseeing commentary to compile this publication,entitled"Sightseeing throughout China:Chosen Tourism Commentaries."The aim of the compiation and rpublication of 31 model commentaries is to further boost the professional culture of Cina's tourism, to promote China's rich tourism resources and economic and tourism achievements since China adopted its reform and open-up policy,to enhance the patriotic mentality within tourism employees and to upgrade guide-interpreter's skills through regulating of tourism phraseology and enriching of commentary contents.


PrefaceForbidden CityThe Palace MuseumSummer PalaceTemple of HeavenChengde Mountain ResortYungand GrottoesHulunbeier GrasslandWater cave of BrenxiHeavenly Lake on Mount ChangbaiShanghai MuseumShanghai New BundDr.Sun Yat-sen's MausoleumZhuozheng Garden in SuzhouThe West Lake in HangzhouMount HuangshanGuyao-A Porcelain Factory in JingdezhenQufuShaolin Temple(I)Shaolin Temple(II)The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverTemple of The Chen ClanStone Carvings on The Baoding MountainIn Dazu CountyThe Li RiverThe Stone ForestHuangguoshu WaterfallThe Potala PalaceXi'an Museum of Stele ForestHistory Museum of Shaanxi ProvinceTerra-Cotta Army MuseumHeavenly Lake in Xinjiang




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用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   英文版中国优秀导游词精选。精彩不容错过。
  •   闲来翻看很好,内容是中国的景点,很熟悉;文字却是英国的文字,似懂非懂,互相砥砺,有提高,哈哈
  •   除了年代太久远了,对我挺有用的,不知道内容是否与现在的时代脱节了
  •   带老外朋友旅游时有用
  •   虽然出书时间比较久了,但是还是能学到很多,很喜欢
  •   还没看完,翻译的不错,正是自己需要的
  •   了解景点的英文解说词。
  •   导游词写的很好!
  •   英语水平不是很高的人,建议还是不要买了。全英的导游词,没有翻译。
  •   一直很想得到此类宝典,结果一看出版日,2000年的,13年前的解说词,难怪拿到手像上学时的教科书一样,立即产生了抗体,建议更新了。
  •   排版不好。印刷也差强人意。
  •   没我想象的好。。质量很一般

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