出版时间:2011-11 出版社:气象出版社 作者:刘华,周小刚 著 页数:281
《实用气象英语教程(英文)》是为气象人员提供的英语学习教程。《实用气象英语教程(英文)》共分12个单元,1~10单元是英文气象基础知识材料,11~12单元含英语天气预报和警报实例。每个单元都包括课文、词汇、注释和练习四个部分。注释包括课文难句的翻译,词法、句法的讲解及例句;课后练习则依据课文内容,由阅读理解、写作和口语练习组成。此外,附录中包括了气象英文科技论文和气象科技论文英文摘要的写作、课文典型例句、总词汇表及练习答案。 《实用气象英语教程(英文)》可作为气象部门在职业务人员的英语培训教材,也可作为高等院校大气科学方向的本科生和研究生的教学参考书,以及广大气象业务、科研人员的专业英语学习参考书。
序言前言Unit 1 Weather, Climate and General Circulation1.1 Weather and Climate1.2 General CirculationUnit 2 Clouds and Precipitation2.1 Clouds2.2 PrecipitationUnit 3 Fog3.1 Fog Formation3.2 Sea Fog3.3 Fog Thickness3.4 Precipitation in Fog3.5 Fog as a Visibility Hazard3.6 Accidents Unit 4 Temperature and Humidity4.1 Temperature4.2 HumidityUnit 5 Cyclone5.1 Structure5.2 TypesUnit 6 Monsoon6.1 Process6.2 Global MonsoonsUnit 7 Greenhouse Gases7.1 Greenhouse Effect7.2 Humans Contribute to the Greenhouse Effect7.3 Science Links Global Warming to Human Activity7.4 Effects of Global Warming on Environment7.5 Effects of Global Warming on Society7.6 Different OpinionsUnit 8 Meteorological Satellite8.1 Types8.2 Images8.3 UsesUnit 9 Weather Radar9.1 Conventional Weather Radar9.2 Doppler Weather Radar9.3 Questions and Solutions for Now and FutureUnit 10 Climate and Weather in China10.1 Temperature Zones10.2 Precipitation10.3 Monsoons10.4 Beijing's Climate FeaturesUnit 11 Weather Forecasting11.1 Numerical Weather Prediction11.2 How to Make Weather Forecasts11.3 Fore cast SamplesUnit 12 Weather Warning12.1 Types12.2 Warning Samples附录1 如何撰写气象英文科技论文(How to Write Meteorological English Paper) 附录2 如何撰写气象科技论文英文摘要(How to Write English Abstract for Meteorological Paper)附录3 课文典型例句(Sample Sentences from the Texts) 附录4 总词汇表(Glossary)附录5 阅读理解练习答案(Keys to Understand Details) 参考文献(References)