出版时间:2011-3 出版社:气象出版社 作者:王斌 页数:67
The Asian Monsoon Years (AMY 2007——2012)is a cross-cutting initiative as part of the International Monsoon Study (IMS), a coordinated observation and modeling effort under the leadership of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The long-term goal of AMY is to improve Asian monsoon prediction for societal benefits through coordinated efforts to improve our understanding of Asian monsoon variability and predictability. It is believed that coordination and cooperation of individual participating and partner projects will greatly facilitate the efforts to reach this goal.
Summary1 Introduction1.1 Programmatic development1.2 Participants2 Background2.1 Observational and process studies2.2 Modeling and prediction2.3 The monsoon environment and its future change3 Science foci3.1 Cross-cutting themes3.2 Overarching science questions4 Goals and objectives4.1 The overarching goals4.2 Objectives5 Strategy5.1 Balanced and integrated approach5.2 Development of monsoon prediction system5.3 Geographic foci and capacity building5.4 Utilization of satellite observations5.5 Organization5.6 Collaboration and linkages6 Planned activity6.1 Observations6.2 Data management and data assimilation6.3 Modeling and prediction7 Expectations8 ReferencesAppendix I. AcronymsAppendix II. List of participantsAppendix III. AMY organizationAppendix IV. Funding and sponsorsAppendix V. The AMY Workshops
About 60% of the world population inhabits the region of the Asian monsoon.Agriculture and, more widely, economy and society across Asia are critically influencedby the variability of the monsoon. Many of the Asian countries are developing countrieswhose economies are fast growing yet considerably affected by anomalous climate anddisastrous weather events. Future change in the Asian monsoon climate is also of thegreatest concern to the world economy and sustainable development. The scientific importance of the Asian monsoon cannot be overemphasized. Thegiant Asian monsoon system dominates the entire Eastern Hemisphere tropics andsubtropics. It interacts with the El NiSo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and extratropicalcirculations, and has far-reaching impacts on global climate and environment. The Asianmonsoon exemplifies the most complex interactions between the Earths land surface,ocean, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and biosphere including human activities. Monsoon science has advanced enormously in the last two decades due to a wealthof new data from satellite observations and field experiments, and due to advances incomputing power and mathematical representations of coupled climate systems. Drivenby the needs to better understand and predict monsoons on all time scales from dailyweather to climate change, monsoon research has received much attention in Asianmonsoon regions. The Asian Monsoon Years (AMY 2007——2012) is a timely endeavor tointegrate and coordinate these activities.