
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:气象出版社  作者:刘燕华  页数:164  


This report is the first one of a series of national reports that CNC-IHDP will compile successively in the future.It describes the research programmes on HDGEC in China.The report consists of two parts.The first part introduces challenges,opportunities,and research strategies in China.The second part introduces the current progress and problems of the ressearch ,key scientific issues,priorty research areas,measures of capacity buiding and cooperative opportunities from seven aspects,i.e.,LUCC,Coastal Zone,industrial transformation,urbanization,human health,risk governance,and service of data and information.


Preface  1 Research Orientation of Human Dimensions of Global Environmental CHange in China    1.1 Strategy of research on Global Environmental Hhange in China    1.2 Priority integrate issues on HDGEC of China  2 Overview on Human Activities and Remarkable Environmental Changes in China in the Late 20th Century    2.1 Background:China and the Word    2.2 Changes in major natural processes and elements    2.3 Changes in physical and human geographical patterns    2.4 Revelations from geographical environment changes in China in the past 50 years  3 Land Use and Cover Change Study in China    3.1 Land use change and the challenges for land use study    3.2 Key scientific issues    3.3 Priority research themes    3.4 Research progress and activities    3.5 Research strategy and capability construction  4 Research on Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone in China    4.1 Human impacts on China's coastal seas    4.2 Key scientific issues    4.3 Priorty research themes    4.4 Research progress and activities    4.5 Research strategy and capability construction  5 Research on Industrial Transformation in China    5.1 Characteristics and prospect of industrial transformation in China    5.2 Key scientific issues    5.3 Priority research theme    5.4 Research progress and activities  6 Research on Urbanization in China    6.1 Challenges and opprtunities for the Chinese urbanization process    6.2 Key scientific issues    6.3 Priority research themes    ……  7 Global Environmental Changes and Human Health of China  8 Research on risk governance in China  9 Information/Data Systems and Services for IHDP in China  10 Other Major Prblems Related to the HDGEC in China  Appendix:Brief Introduction to the CNC-IHDP



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