出版时间:2004-1 出版社:气象出版社 作者:澳门地球物理暨气象局 页数:291
本书介绍了澳门地球物理暨气象局1999年-2002年期间的最新研究成果。全书共分为三部分: (1)亚洲夏季风;(2)中尺度数值模拟,以上两部分由15篇重要论文组成。(3)刊登了25篇论文的详细摘要。此书的出版也是澳门气象局为澳门回归5周年献上的贺礼。
PrefaceForewordBrief Introduction to the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical BureauPart I ArtiCles in Asia Summer Monsoon On the Definition of the Advance and Retreat of the Summer Monsoon in China Advance and Retreat of the Summer Monsoon in China Numerical Simulation of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset in 1998 Onset,Maintenance and Retreat of Asian Summer Monsoon Date of Establishment of Summer Monsoon Onset in Asia Numerical Simulation and Analysis Research of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset in 1994 Climatic Characteristics of South Chian Sea Summer Monsoon Onset II.Inter-Decadal VariationPart Ⅱ Artices in Mesoscale Numerical Simulation Effects of Convective Parameterization Schemes on South China Heavy Rain Simnlation Modeling Study of a Heavy Rain Event over South China in May 1994 A Simulating Study on Resolvable-Scale Microphysical Parameterization in a Mesoscal Model Numerical Prediction Experiment on Typhoon Maggie Climatological Characteristics of Precipitation in the First and Second Rainy Seasons in Guangdong Province Part Ⅲ Extended Abstracts for Papers Presented at Symposia or Seminars Ahalysis of Typhoon Babs(9811) Analysis on the Rainstorm Process in Macao on May 24,1998 Analysis on Anomalies of the Western North Pacific Subtropical High during June to August 1998 ……
亚洲夏季风和中尺度数值模拟=Asia Summer Monsoon and Mesoscale Numerical Simulation-澳门地球物理暨气象局论文选集;1 PDF格式下载