
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:海洋出版社  作者:王红阳  页数:246  




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Two main traditio in modern linguistics1.2 Research background1.3 Aim and objectives1.4 Research questio1.5 Data and methodology1.6 The Structure of this bookChapter 2 A Synopsis of SFL2.1 Introduction2.2 Background to Hallidayan linguistics2.3 Four developmental stages of SFL2.4 Fundamental concepts in SFL2.5 SFL as angeneral linguistics and as an appliable linguistics2.6 Halliday' s IFG2.7 Extended components in SFL2.8 Summary2.9 Concluding remarksChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Rationale for adopting a multi - method approach3.3 The document method3.4 Questionnaire3.5 Interview3.6 SummaryChapter 4 SFL Studies in China: A Survey4.1 Introduction4.2 Three stages of SFL studies in China4.3 Research areas and topics4.4 SFL publicatio4.5 Conferences and semina4.6 Chinese contributio4.7 SummaryChapter 5 The Situation of SFL Studies and Activities:An Initial Analysis5.1 Introduction5.2 Analyses of published writings5.3 Analyses of questionnaires5.4 Analyses of interviews5.5 SummaryChapter 6 Discussion: A Tentative Appraisal6.1 Introduction6.2 Theory and description6.3 Analysis6.4 The study of Chinese6.5 Applicatio6.6 SFL and other approaches6.7 Non - SFL studies6.8 Implicatio6.9 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 A summary of the preceding chapte7.2 Awe to the research questio7.3 Implicatio7.4 Follow - up research7.5 Concluding remarksReferencesAcknowledgements



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