
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:海洋出版社  作者:祁延莉,夏汇川 选编  页数:122  




本书内容选自世界图书馆学情报学发展过程中有较大影响且至今仍有一定研究和实践价值的5部英文经典著作的重要篇章,辅以简要中文注释。内容涉及图书馆学基本理论、情报学基础知识、信息组织、自动标引、图书馆评价等方面,旨在引领图书馆信息服务人员和相关专业的学生了解和掌握经典著作中所蕴含的丰富的思想,开阔他们的专业视野,提高他们的英文阅读能力和理解能力。    本书可以作为图书馆情报机构的专业英语培训教材和参考书,也可以作为图书馆学情报学专业本科生、研究生的专业课教学参考书。对于提高图书馆情报人员的职业素质和英文水平有较高的价值。


1. Practical considerations by Pierce Buhler from An Introduction to Library Science《图书馆学导论》2. The Features of Information Science by Richard E. Rubin from Foundations of Library and Information Science《图书馆学情报学基础》3. Introduction to Library Evaluation by F.W. Lancaster from If you want to evaluate your library... 2nd Ed.《如果你要评价图书馆》(第二版)4. Subject Analysis by Arlene G. Taylor  from The Organization of Information 2nd Ed.《信息组织》(第二版)5. Automatic Indexing by F.W. Lancaster from Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice, 3ed.《标引与文摘的理论与实践》(第三版)


插图:Although some information packages seem to have an easily determined subject, it may not really be so easy. A work titled history of sociology is about the discipline of sociology ; but it is more specifically aboutsociology from a historical perspective while not being about the disciplineof history. This distinction has a certain subtlety that is learned througheducation in our present-day Western tradition. It is possible that in another place and time, history would be considered to be the major subjectof anything historical, regardless of the specific topic.Cultural DifferencesAn understanding of the place of one's culture as well as one's education in determining subject matter is also important.  George Lakoffhas written about the research of Brent Berlin and Paul Kay on the understanding of color depending upon one's language. They found that thereare eleven basic color categories in English, but in some other languagesthere are fewer basic color categories. In languages that have only twobasic color terms, the terms are the equivalent of black and white, or cooland warm. The effect upon subject analysis of growing up in differentcultures with different languages, then, means that persons from differentplaces cannot perceive reality in exactly the same way.Another example is provided by Langridge. He comments upon theunconscious effect that must occur in the mind of a person used to the arrangement of the library in the People's University of China, where allknowledge is divided into three groups: theory of knowledge, knowledgeof the class struggle, and knowledge of the productive struggle.






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