
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:中国计量  作者:李向阳  页数:114  


本书包括食品安全质量管理和食品科学两大部分内容,第一大部分主要包括食品安全、食品质量的概念及其区别;国内外食品安全问题;GMP和 SSOP以及HACCP管理体系;食品安全风险分析;食品质量管理以及食品质量控制工具;食品企业危机与风险及检验检疫管理。第二大部分包括食品的成分和营养;奶与奶制品、肉与肉制品、蛋与蛋制品基础知识。    本书为大专院校食品专业及相关专业教材,也可供从事食品监管检验及进出口贸易的人员参考。


Chapter 1  Food Safety and Management  Unit 1  Overview of Food Safety  1.1  Definition of Food Safety  1.2  Hazards Associated with Foods   1.2.1  Biological Hazards   1.2.2  Chemical Hazards   1.2.3  Physical Hazards  1.3  History of Food Safety Unit 2  Issues in Food Safety   2.1  Acrylamide  2.2  Food Allergies  2.3  Genetically Modified Food  2.4  Mad Cow Disease  2.5  Food Irradiation  2.6  Pesticides Unit 3  GMP and SSOP  3.1  Good Manufacturing Practice   3.1.1  Personnel   3.1.2  Buildings and Facilities   3.1.3  Production and Process  3.2  Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures Unit 4  HACCP  4.1  Principles of the HACCP System  4.2  Exeucating a HACCP Plan Unit 5  Food Risk Analysis  5.1  Risk Analysis    Process of Risk Analysis  5.2  Risk Assessment  5.3  Risk Management   General Principles of Food Safety Risk Management  5.4  Risk Communication Unit 6  Food Quality  6.1  Definition Of Food Quality  6.2  Quality Attributes  6.3  Quality Factors in Foods   6.3.1  Appearance Factors   6.3.2  Textural Factors   6.3.3  Flavor Factors   6.3.4  Additional Quality Factors Unit 7  Food Quality Management  7.1  Functions of Quality Management  7.2  Principles of Quality Management  7.3  Quality Design  7.4  Quality Control  7.5  Quality Assurance  7.6  Quality Improvement Unit 8  Quality Control Tools  8.1  Check Sheet  8.2  Flow Chart  8.3  Cause and Effect Diagram  8.4  Control Chart  8.5  Histogram  8.6  Scatter Plot  8.7  Pareto Diagram  8.8  Summary Unit 9  Crisis Management for Food Industry  9.1  Crisis Definitions   9.1.1  Sudden Crisis   9.1.2  Smoldering Crisis  9.2  Crisis Management  9.3  International Crisis Management Unit 10  Foods Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine  10.1  Introduction to Foods Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine    10.1.1  Inspection   10.1.2  Quarantine  10.2  China's Entry-Exit Commodity Inspection and Quarantine System   10.2.1  Inspection and Quarantine Authorities   10.2.2  Main Inspection and Quarantine Operation   10.2.3  Functions of the Inspection and Quarantine Statement and Certificate  10.3  Supervision and Inspection of FoodstuffsChapter 2  Basic Knowledge of Food Science Unit 1  Food Ingredients and Nutrition Unit 2  Sterilized Milk and Milk Products Unit 3  Meat Unit 4  EggsReference Materials






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  •   感觉内容充实,对于食品安全专业学生和从业人员,再合适不过了。
  •   质量好服务好速度快!
  •   翻开书来看,感觉不错~质量很好~
  •   既符合专业又能学习专业英语,推荐~~~!
  •   还没有读,不过会好好学的
  •   还没看 下学期才用 提前买
  •   老师推荐买的,同类书较少,看看还不错~
  •   不错的书..服务周到.
  •   相当不错的一本书,无论是单词还是文章~我是学食品专业的,对于扩充我的词汇量很有帮助,单词不是非常专业,但很常用~
  •   貌似还可以大致看了点食品检测项目的专业术语不是很多如果是刚踏入这个行业的会有点帮助但对专业来说还需继续努力~
  •   书挺好,速度很快,服务不错!
  •   内容没有太难懂的词和语句,适合初级阶段的科普式 的阅读
  •   刚开始学,专业性挺强的
  •   全是英文~
  •   有很多专业名词,而且对于大一的学生还有些难,如果可以附上中文翻译会更好。
  •   还行,就是没中英对照翻译
  •   粗略看了一下,大概就是几篇英文,后面跟一些英文单词注释。
  •   我是冲着编书的人的名字买的……有名的树不一定适合自己啊,我不喜欢,没有那种好的感觉

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