
出版时间:2006-10  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:屈利刚  页数:221  


  《先进制造技术专业英语阅读》内容主要包括现代设计技术和先进制造技术两个部分:第一部分主要介绍现代设计技术,如优化设计、可靠性设计、计算机辅助设计、有限元分析等;第二部分主要介绍先进制造技术,包括计算机辅助制造、计算机辅助工艺规程、数控技术、柔性制造和集成制造、工业机器人、现代加工技术和新型工具技术等。  专业英语是基础英语的继续,学完基础英语的读者,学习《先进制造技术专业英语阅读》应该没有很大的困难。《先进制造技术专业英语阅读》内容较新,专业词汇丰富,适合于高等学校机械专业本科生双语教学,同时《先进制造技术专业英语阅读》也是科技工作者对现代机械制造技术学习的很好的英文资料,能够帮助机械工作者逐步提高阅读专业英语的能力。


Chapter 1 Outline of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing1.1 An Overview of a Manufacturing Enterprise1.2 Design and Manufacturing: A Historical Perspective1.2.1 Design1.2.2 ManufacturingVocabulary & PhraseChapter 2 Basic Mechanical Design ProcessVocabulary & PhraseChapter 3 Fatigue as a Design Criterion3.1 Mechanism of Fatigue3.2 Fatigue Strength and Endurance Limit3.3 Factors Affecting Fatigue Behavior3.4 Effect of Type of Loading on Fatigue Strength3.5 Effect of Surface Finish on Fatigue Strength3.6 Effect of Stress Concentration on Fatigue Strength3.7 Application of Factors to Generalized Fatigue Curve for Steel Vocabulary & PhraseChapter 4 Optimum Design4.1 Introduction4.2 Mathematical Programming Problem4.3 Classification of Mathematical Programming Problems4.4 Unconstrained Minimization4.5 Linearly Constrained Minimization4.6 General Nonlinear Programming MethodsVocabulary & PhraseChapter 5 Reliability DesignReliability in Static FailureVocabulary & PhraseChapter 6 Computer-Aided Design (CAD)6.1 Introduction6.2 A Brief History of CAD6.3 The Design Process6.4 Application of CAD6.4.1 Geometric Modeling6.4.2 Engineering Analysis6.4.3 Design Review and Evaluation6.4.4 Automated Drafting6.5 Benefit of Computer-Aided Design6.5.1 Productivity Improvement in Design6.5.2 Shorter Lead Times6.5.3 Design Analysis6.5.4 Fewer Design Errors6.5.5 Greater Accuracy in Design Calculations6.5.6 Standardization of Design, Drafting, and Documentation Procedures6.5.7 Drawings Are More Understandable6.5.8 Improved Procedures for Engineering Changes6.5.9 Benefits in Manufacturing6.6 Format of Data Exchange6.6.1 IGES6.6.2 STEP6.6.3 DXFVocabulary & PhraseChapter 7 Finite Element Analysis (FEA)7.1 A Brief History7.2 The Basic Theory7.3 Type of FEA7.4 Terms of FEA7.5 Computer Procedure of FEA in Structural Analysis7.6 Available Commercial FEA Software PackagesVocabulary & PhraseChapter 8 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)8. 1 Outline of CAM8. 2 Elements of the CAM System8.2.1 The CAM Data Base8.2.2 Production Management8.2.3 Manufacturing Control8.3 Computer Aided Manufacturing System Engineering8.3.1 Introduction8.3.2 Vision of the Engineering Environment8.3.3 Technical Issues8.3.4 Current Work8.3.5 Summary and ConclusionsVocabulary & PhraseChapter 9 Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP)Chapter 10 Numerical Control TechnologyChapter 11 Flexible Manufacturing Systems(FMS)Chapter 12 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)Chapter 13 Industrial RobotChapter 14 Rapid Prototyping TechnologyChapter 15 New Cutting ToolsChapter 16 Nontraditional Mechanical ProcessesReference



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