出版时间:2006-1 出版社:第1版 (2006年1月1日) 作者:阎子峰 页数:400 字数:640000
本书是为贯彻教育部关于“本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学……”的文件精神,提高学生专业英语水平、对国外技术资料的阅读应用能力而编写的双语教材。本书主要介绍了催化基本概念、基础理论,工业催化剂的结构及特性以及在各工业领域的应用,并对近年出现的催化新概念、新理论、新方法及新的催化应用领域做了大量阐述。 本书可作为高等院校石油、化工、化学、材料、生物及环境等专业本科生、研究生开设催化课程的教材,也可供从事与催化相关工作的科研、生产及教学人员作为专业参考书。同时还可作为高校相关专业本科生、研究生、科研人员等专业英语教材或参考书使用。
Content Chapter 1 Catalysis: History, Features and Concepts 1.1 Introduction 1.2 History of catalysis 1.3 Concept of catalysis 1.4 Features of catalysis 1.5 Types of catalysts 1.6 Types of catalysis in transition states 1.7 Composition of heterogeneous catalysts 1.8 Physical properties of heterogeneous catalysts 1.9 Chemical properties of heterogeneous catalysts 1.10 Summary of Industrial Catalytic Processes ReferencesChapter 2 Homogeneous Catalysis 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Some important ligand features 2.3 Lewis base ligands 2.4 Hydrogenation catalysis 2.5 Industrial future of homogeneous catalysis 2.6 Hydroformylation catalysis 2.7 Monsanto acetic acid & related processes ReferencesChapter 3 Zeolites and FCC Process 3.1 Microporous zeolites 3.2 Mesoporous molecular sieves 3.3 The use of zeolites in catalysis today 3.4 Fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)process 3.5 Catalytic cracking mechanism 3.6 Catalyst decay 3.7 Catalysis science and technology for cleaner transportation fuels ReferencesChapter 4 Hydrogenation Processes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Hydrogenation 4.3 Hydrocracking 4.4 Dehydrogenation ReferencesChapter 5 Catalytic Reforming of Naphtha 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Reforming reactions 5.3 Reforming mechanism 5.4 Reforming catalysts 5.5 Selectivity of reforming catalyst 5.6 Deactivation of reforming catalysts ReferencesChapter 6 Production and Uses of Synthesis Gas 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Manufacture of synthesis gas 6.3 Synthesis gas as a chemical feedstock 6.4 Methanol synthesis 6.5 Fischer?Tropsch and related syntheses 6.6 Methanol to gasoline(MTG) 6.7 Homologation of methanol 6.8 Ammonia and related products ReferencesChapter 7 Catalyst Deactivation 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Nature of catalyst deactivation and remedial actions 7.3 Effects of deactivation 7.4 Cause of deactivation ReferencesChapter 8 Catalytic Polymerization 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Monomers, polymers and copolymers 8.3 Classification of polymers 8.4 Polymerization reactions 8.5 Polymerization with coordination compounds 8.6 Ziegler?Natta polymerization catalysis ReferencesChapter 9 Enzyme Catalysis 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Nature of enzyme catalysis 9.3 Enzyme in industry 9.4 Feature of enzyme catalysis 9.5 Enzymatic activation of alkanes ReferencesChapter 10 Experimental Techniques in Catalysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Preparation of heterogeneous catalysts 10.3 Preparation of homogeneous catalysts 10.4 Evaluate catalyst performance in the laboratory 10.5 Characterization of homogeneous catalysts 10.6 Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts 10.7 In?situ methods in catalysis References
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