
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:张晓黎  页数:366  字数:448000  


塑料成型加工及模具技术涉及高分子材料、模具金属材料、模具结构、成型加工设备等诸多领域,相关的技术设备引进和国际合作交流很多。该专业所需的科技英语资源--词汇、语句、图表散见于各专业的文献中,无法反映材料、设备、工艺的内在联系。    本书的主要内容包括高分子材料、成型加工设备、模具结构、工艺条件及现代模具设计CAD/CAE/CAM等方面的英语阅读文章和词汇。本书词汇部分的选词和释义均围绕工程实际应用;将设备、结构以及数值模拟中常用的概念和专业词汇用图形示意,便于理解;最后还简要介绍了编者学习科技英语的心得。    本书可供从事塑料加工和模具设计、制造等专业的工程技术人员参考,也可供相关院校教学使用或参考。


ContentsPart1 TextsChapterI Polymer Chemistry & Physics Lesson 1 What are Polymers?  Reading Materials  Head to Head Polymers Lesson 2 Polymer Chemistry  Reading Materials  Uniform Polymers Lesson 3 Polymer Structure and Physical Properties  Reading Materials  High-functional and High-performance Fabrics Lesson 4 The Others Properties of Polymers  Reading Materials  Polymer Dissolution BehaviorChapterII Molding Machine Lesson 1 Injection Molding Machines and Selection Resin  Reading Materials  Components of Injection molding machine Lesson 2 The Reciprocating Screw  Reading Materials  Clamping Mechanism of Injection Molding Machine Lesson 3 Extrusion Blow Molding Machine  Reading Materials   Extruders for Extrusion Blow Molding MachinesChapter III Mold Lesson 1 The Introduction of Molds  Reading Materials  Hot Runner Systems Lesson 2 Injection Molds  Reading Materials  Gates for Injection Molding Lesson 3 Understanding the Basics of the Injection Mold (I)  Reading Materials  Understanding the Basics of the Injection Mold(II) Lesson 4 Mold Material  Reading Materials  Selection of the steel Lesson 5 Mold Manufacturing and Machining Processes  Reading Materials  Hobbing  Appended Figures Examples of Injection Mold DesignsChapter IV Processing Lesson 1 Polymer Processing  Reading Materials   Polymer Processing:Historical Survey Lesson 2 Injection Molding  Reading Materials  Blow Molding Lesson 3 Gas-Assisted Injection Molding  Reading Materials  Advantages and Disadvantages of the GAIM Process Lesson 4 Extrusion Molding  Reading Materials  Rotational Molding Lesson 5 Plastic Foam Molding  Reading Materials  Other Processing MethodsChapter V Computer-Aided Design of Products and Molds Lesson 1 The computer in Die Design  Reading Materials  Mold Making Using CIM Lesson 2 CAD/CAM  Reading Materials  Machining Operations Lesson 3 CAE  Reading Materials  Methods of Calculation in CAE for Polymer Processing Lesson 4 Integration of Computing Programs  Reading Materials1  Generating the Simulation Model  Reading Materials2  Face Clustering of a Large-scale CAD Model for   Surface Mesh Generation Lesson 5 CAE Examples of C-MOLD  Part 2 Glossary  Part3 Technics in Translation  Appendix Appendix 1 The English Abbreviations of useful Macromolecular Materials Appendix 2 The Journals of Polymer Engineering References



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