出版时间:2004-1 出版社:冶金工业出版社 作者:李宝宽 页数:221 字数:227000
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李宝宽,辽宁辽阳人,1963年生,东北大学教授。1992年于东北大学热能工程系取得博士学位,1998年至2000年在日本东京大学大这院新领域创新科做博士后研究。长期从事金属精炼和连铸过程的模型化研究工作,将现代前流力学理论和方法应用于金属生产的实际工艺过程;完全独立地开发了三维非稳态冶金传输过程模拟软件,能够处理复杂的几何区域和气液两相流体流动问题,包括解决电磁流体流动问题的能力;在针对钢包精炼和电磁电铸的研究中,得到一些具有应用价值的创新成果。在“Metallurgical and Materiasl Transaction B,”“ISIJ International”,“J.Iron&Steel Research International”,“Acta Metallurgica Sinica”和《金属学报》等国内外重要刊物上发表论文60余篇,出版《炼钢中的计算流体力学》专著。作为负责人,承担国家自然科学基金“高拉速时连铸结晶器内锡流湍流场的电磁控制研究”、“螺旋磁场真空精炼纯净钢及夹杂物湍流集聚行为的研究”及教育部和原冶金部基金“智能连铸结晶器的基础研究”等十余项国家项目。曾获得辽宁省自然科学奖和冶金科学技术奖。
1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Mathematical Description of Flow Phenomena 1.3 Previous Works 1.4 Turbulence Model 1.5 Outline of this Book Peferences2 SOLUTIONS OF FLOW EQUATIONS USING FINITE VOLUME METHOD 2.1 Discretization of Conservation Equation 2.2 The Pressure and Velocity Corrections 2.3 The Pressure Correction Equation 2.4 SIMPLE Algorithm 2.5 Blockage Technique 2.6 Computer Codes References3 FLOWS AND MIXING IN GAS STIRRED REACTORS 3.1 Bottom Stirring Electric Arc Furnace 3.2 Motions of Alloying Additions in Gas Stirred Ladles Conclusions Nomenclature References4 CIRCULATING FLOW IN RH DEGASSING VESSEL 4.1 Background 4.2 Mathematical Model 4.3 Analysis of Flow and Concentration Field 4.4 Effect of Rotating Magnetic Field 4.5 Simulation on Two-phase Flow Field with the Swirling Conclusions Nomenclature References5 FLOW CONTROL IN CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL 5.1 Backgroud 5.2 Mathematiocal Formulation 5.3 Liquid Metal Model Experiment 5.4 Numerical Simulation 5.5 Effect of Static Magnetic Field Application of the Mass Transfer 5.6 Effect of Magnetic Field Application on Motion of Inclusion Conclusions Nomenclature References6 BIASED FLOWS IN STEEL CONTINUOUS CASTING MOLD7 SUMMARIES AND CONCLUSIONSSOURCE PAPERS OF THIS BOOK