
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:科学技术文献出版社  作者:《暑假新天地》编委会 编  页数:61  




  People in the United States honor their parents with two special days: Mothers Day on the second Sunday in May, and Fathers Day, on the third Sunday in June. These twodays are set aside to show love and respect forparents. They raise their children andeducate them to be responsible citizens. Theygive love and care. These two days offer anopportunity to think about the changing rolesof mothers and fathers. More mothers nowwork outside the home. More fathers musthelp with child-care.  These two special days are celebrated inmany different ways. On Mothers day peoplewear carnations. A red one symbolizes a livingmother. A white one shows that the mother isdead. Many people attend religious services tohonor parents. It is also a day when peoplewhose parents are dead visit the cemetery. Onthese days families get together at home, as wellas in restaurants. They often have outdoor bar-becues for Fathers day. These are days of funand good feelings and memories.



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