出版时间:2007 出版社:原子能出版社 作者:王迈迈 页数:266 字数:620000
《六级考试核心考点精确打击》是为即将参加新六级考试的考生们精心准备的。 六级考试改革之后,六级考卷的题型、难度和容量发生了巨大变化,快速阅读理解、听力长对话、选词填空、汉译英等全新题型为考生们逾越六级考试大关增添了变数。本书按照最新六级考试精神.依据最新公布的《大学英语六级考试样卷和说明》,对考生们在六级考试过程中可能遇到的各种疑难目标。精确定位。精确打击。 本书对新六级考试的所有题型全面出击,重点目标是本次改革后的新增题型和传统题型中的核心考点,分析考试题型,预测命题趋势,探索命题规律: 本书关注各种新六级题型的应试技巧,研究答题策略,总结考试方法。揭示高分秘诀: 本书严格按照最新六级考试精神,针对六级考试的核心考点,精心设计15套新题 型押题预测卷,按照各个击破的原则,分题型精确定位,按目标精确打击。
Pan 1 Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 快速阅读理解 一、快速阅读理解题型聚焦 二、快速阅读理解三大题型精确定位 三、快速阅读理解六大技巧精确突破 四、快速阅读理解核心考点精确打击Part 2 Listening CompreherlsiOll听力理解 一、听力理解题型聚焦 二、短对话命题规律与应试技巧 三、长对话命题规律与应式技巧 四、短文理解命题规律与应试技巧 五、复合式听写命题规律与应试技巧 六、听力理解核心考点精确打击Part 3 Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth) 仔细阅读理解 一、短句回答命题规律与应试技巧 二、选词填空命题规律与应试技巧 三、多项选择阅读理解命题规律与应试技巧 四、仔细阅读理解核心考点精确打击Part 4 Error Correction&C10ze改错和完形填空 一、改错命题规律与应试技巧 二、完形填空命题规律与应试技巧 三、改错和完型填空核心考点精确打击Part 5 TransIation翻译(汉译英) 一、汉译英题型聚焦 二、汉译英应试技巧精确突破 三、汉译英核心考点精确打击Part 6 Writing写作 一、写作七大步骤精确突破 二、写作七大题型精确定位 三、写作核心考点精确打击
So far,the most popular treatment for ADHD has been Ritalin,a rapid-acting stimulant for adults that has the opposite effect in children,calming the jitters associated with the disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about three percent of American school children take stimulants like Ritalin regularly. However current research suggests a surprising new strategy for treating this disorder: video games linked to brain -wave biofeedback that can help kids with ADHD train their minds to tune in and settle down. It is difficult for a child with ADHD to learn how to self - regulate and know what it feels like to concentrate. Biofeedback teaches patients to control normally involuntary body functions such as heart rate by providing real - time monitoring of such responses. More than 15 years of studies show that with the aid of a computer display and an EEG sensor attached to the scalp, ADHD patients can learn to modulate brain waves associated with focusing. Increasing the strength of high frequency beta waves and decreasing the strength of low - frequency the- ta waves, for example, creates a more attentive state of mind. With enough training, changes become automatic and lead to improvements in grades, sociability, and organizational skills. Despite its proven success,the technique has not become a mainstream treatment for several good reasons. First, unlike drag the rapy,which can have immediate results, a typical course of biofeedback treatment takes a series of about 40 one - hour sessions over a span of several months before benefits become apparent. Second, it is more expensive than drugs. Costs range from $ 3,000 to $ 4,000 for these treatments. So insurance companies tend to pick the less expensive option. Finally, biofeedback training requires the very kind of prolonged concentration that patients with ADHD struggle to attain. Alan Pope,a behavioral scientist at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton., Virginia, came up with a more engaging approach through work with NASA flight simulators. He was determining the degree of interaction with cockpit controls necessary to help pilots stay attentive during routine flights. In an experiment, he linked the level of automation in the cockpit to the pilots brainwave signals, so that some controls switched from autopilot to manual when the pilot started to lose focus. He found that with practice the pilots could begin to adjust the controls to the level of automation that felt most comfortable by regulating their own brain waves. Pope applied his findings to help ADHD patients stay focused by rewarding an attentive state of mind. He realized, however, that thesimple displays that were already part of biofeedback treatment may not be enough to hold the interest of restless youngsters. He then choseseveral common video games and linked the biofeedback signal from the players brain waves to the handheld controller that guides thegames actions. "In one auto - racing game, a cars maximum speed in creases if the players ratio of beta to theta waves improves. The samesort of feed - back also controls the steering," Pope says. In the test, six Sony PlayStation games were used with 22 boys and girls between the ages of nine and thirteen who had ADHD. Half the group received traditional biofeedback training; the other half played the modified video games. After 40 one - hour sessions, both groups showed substantial improvements in everyday brain - wave patterns as well as in tests of measuring attention span, impulsiveness, and hyper-activity. Parents in both groups also reported that their children were doing better in school. The difference between the two groups was motivation. "In the video game group, there were fewer no shows and no dropouts," according to Pope. The parents were more satisfied with the results of training, and the kids seemed to have more fun. Since children are more motivated toward video - game biofeedback and may already be familiar with video games, they will not needone - on - one coaching to master the technique. As a result, the cost of the treatment should be reduced and maybe even permit "do - it -yourself" biofeedback. One North Carolina Company markets their system as a fun bike helmet and game - like video exercises that work on almost any computer. The helmet is lined with sensors that monitor the childs brain waves, and the child actually controls the computer video exercises by mind alone. Parents should not expect regular video games to help their children. The wrong kinds of video games might actu-ally hurt children with attention disorders.
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