出版时间:2001-1 出版社:原子能出版社北京 作者:“核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究”项目组 编 页数:251
《核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究》收录的31篇论文反映了核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究的最新成果,是国家攀登计划(B)项目“核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究”的部分成果汇编。 《核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究》可供科研院所、高等学校、科学技术管理部门从事核医学和放射治疗、放射性药物、生物医学等领域的广大专业人员和有关人员参考。
前言快中子治疗前列腺癌初报快中子及光子照射小鼠胸腔器官的病理变化质子治疗装置的束流扩展研究小型医用质子同步加速器的慢引出设计医用质子直线加速器的设计研究带电粒子束的等时周期场聚焦Electron dose calculation using multiple-scattering theory: A hybrid electron pencil-beam modelOn the possibility of determining an effective energy spectrum of clinical electron beamsfrom percentage depth dose (PDD) data of broad beamsIncorporation of the electron energy-loss straggling -into the Fermi-EygesequationAn overview of the bipartition model for charged particle transportEffects of pre-exposure of mouse testis with low-dose 16O8+ ions or 60Co y-rays on sperm shape abnormalities, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase (SOD)activity induced by subsequent high-dose irradiationChromosomal aberrations induced by 12C6+ heavy ion irradiation in spermatogonia and spermatocytes of micePreliminary research for cancer therapy with heavy ion beams at HIRFL展宽重离子束的Bragg峰Extending Bragg peak of heavy ion beam and melanoma cell inactivationmeasurement氧离子辐射对体外人精子自发化学发光、运动性、顶体反应和存活率的影响Study of boron neutron capture therapy used neutron source with protonsbombarding a thick 9Be targetA combination of gadolinium and boron compounds for use in Gd-BNCTExcitation functions for natW(p, xn)181~186 Re reactions and production of No-Carrier-Added 186Re via 186W(p,n)186Re reaction[188Re] Rhenium sulfide suspension: a potential radiopharmaceutical for tumor treatment following intra-tumor injectionPreparation of [188Re] Rhenium sulfide suspension and its biodistribution following intra-tumor injection in miceSynthesis, characterization and biodistribution of new 99mTc nitrido complexes with derivatives of alkyl xanthates乏氧组织显像剂99mTc-PnAO-硝基咪唑的制备和初步动物实验Evaluation of the clinical value of combination of 99mTc-MIBI myocardial SPECT and 18F-FDG PET in assessing myocardial viabilityA comparison of 99mTc-MIBI myocardial SPET with electron beam computedtomography in the assessment of coronary artery diseaseQuantitative analysis of technetium 99m 2-methoxyisobutyl isonitrile single-photon emission computed tomography and isosorbide dinitrate infusion in assessment of myocardial viability before and after revascularizationThe value of Tc-99m MIBI SPECT during isosorbide dinitrate infusion in assessment of viable myocardium in patients with myocardial infarctionNitrate-augmented myocardial imaging for assessment of myocardial viabilityPreliminary study on application of artificial neural network to the diagnosisof Alzheimer's disease with magnetic resonance imaging放射性药物99mTc-HL91在实验性小鼠G422移植性脑胶质瘤模型的研究99mTc-HL91"hot spot"imaging of mice bearing human carcinoma by gamma camera and the effects of tumor necrosis on imaging