
出版社:江涛、 孟飞 石油工业出版社 (2013-06出版)  


江涛,原北外青年教师,曾任北京戴尔国际英语学校副校长(现被美国培生集团收购)主管留学培训业务。2001年后受多家培训机构之邀于全国范围内教授雅思,赴百多所知名高校演讲千余场。2003年推出《80天攻克雅思》丛书,名列国内各大销售榜榜首,远销台湾及东南亚地区,2004年和同乡兄长彭铁城(现新航道副总裁)创办华盛顿英语学校。2005年与成卓女士创办卓成教育,2007年受聘主持中央人民广播电台经济之声早间英语节目至今。2008年起制作并主持“英语大赢家”动画&真人电视栏目。在多家电视台播出。至今出版各类英语教辅畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为当当网、亚马逊卓越网畅销书作者。 孟飞,卓成教育阳光出版主编,“江涛英语”系列丛书副主编。北京外国语大学青年才俊,长期客座全国十几大城市主流教学机构进行师资培训。从事新概念英语、考研英语、四六级、雅思等项目教学活动。以词汇与写作见长,风趣互动的授课方式深受学员青睐。原美国夏光国际咨询公司(SLIC)英语培训部主任;著名的涉外问题研究专家,专业研究中西文化区别。精通跨文化交流技巧。常年从事涉外会议、谈判、签约等活动。


影响你一生的哈佛演讲 Unit 1 围际经济与未来展望 Speech 1现在好于往昔/3 Speech 2能源的未来/l 3 Speech 3关注澳大利亚/23 Speech 4亚洲的转型与可持续发展之路/33 Speech 5自由繁荣:创建凯尔特雄狮经济/43 Speech 6世界之不平等与复杂性/53 Unit 2全球危机与多边机构 Speech 1三重危机与美国的领导作用/63 Speech 2重建国际秩序/71 Speech 3国际机构/79 Speech 4我们的共同人性更重要/89 Unit 3洞察真实的世界 Speech l真实的世界/l 01 Speech 2人生的意义/l 07 Speech 3唱出上帝谱写的歌/1 17 Speech 4把握失败之利。洞察想象之重/l27 Speech 5一个流浪汉的冒险/1 35 Speech 6把握时代风险,立足时代竞争/l 45 Unit 4改变世界的能力 Speech 1领导能力和价值观/1 53 …… 影响你一生的耶鲁演讲 影响你一生的牛津演讲 影响你一生的剑桥演讲


版权页:   Poverty is wrong because it is a form of violence; it does not respect human labor, it stripsa person of his or her humanity, and it takes away their freedom. How can we build democraticstructures if the citizens do not have economic freedom? We need to remind ourselves thatpolitical freedom does not mean economic freedom. Where there is poverty there is injustice. There is exploitation-of the individual, of thecommunity and of the environment. Where there is poverty, there is greater discriminationbased on class, caste, colour, religion, gender, or language. Where there is poverty, there is fearand intimidation in the community, in the family, in the work environment. Where there ispoverty, we can assume rigid hierarchy and inequality. Consequently, where there is poverty,there is enormous vulnerability. So, is poverty just a matter of money? Can poverty be eradicated with money ? Not withoutempowerment. Not without restoring balance. Not without looking after the well-being ofthe worker, her family, her community, her work environment and this world we all live in.Development is not about charity. It is not a project; it is not about building institutions. It isnot even economics. It is about restoring balance. For that we need an integrated approach. Let us not allow globalization to be about uniformity and standardization of products,of culture or of ideas. Globalization cannot be about imposing the will of multinationals orshort-sighted governments on a populace~. Globalization cannot be allowed to break downindigenous economic and social structures. Let us come together to build a strong Peoples'Sector the world over, to keep the Public and the Private sectors in balance. Let us build global trade networks that are run by the producers themselves. Let us makesure that handicrafts and agricultural produce of non-mechanized local farms, are 'not soldnationally or internationally by middlemen. Let us make sure that profits go into the handsof the actual producers. Millions of farmers the world over are already engaged in organicfarming-they run small traditional farms and they could never afford chemical fertilizers.Can we not support them? Can we not promote~ their farm cooperatives by providing marketaccess, links and information? When a small farm cooperative in India exchanges goods, services and skills, with similarfarms in Mexico, we can say globalization is working. When workers can communicate with eachother laterally, and have their own support network, we can say globalization is good. Whenthe voice of the poor is heard at every level of decision making, we can say we have democracy.Because lobalization can be a Positive force. We iust have to make it ealitarian, and fair.





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  •   MP3是配音,并不是当事人的录音,其它OK

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