Progress in Geophysics and Information Technology地球物理与信息技术研究进展

出版时间:2012-3  出版社:石油工业出版社  作者:China University of Petroleum 编  页数:1131  


  《Progress in Geophysics and Information Technology》 is Written by the Xiao Lizhi,as follows: incorporates the main achievements in geophysical exploration, geophysical well logging, computer science and technology, electronic engineering and automation by people at the College of Geophysics and Information Engineering (GIE), China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in the past five years (2006- 2010).


Geophysical Exploration  Physical modelling studies of 3 - D P- wave seismic for fracture detection  Reservoir fluid substitution effects on seismic profile interpretation: a physical modeling experiment  C  Time- lapse seismic reservoir monitoring technology in China  Reconstruction from antenna- transformed radar data using a time- domain reconstruction method  A breast imaging model using microwaves and a time domain three dimensional reconstruction method  Effect of regularization parameters on geophysical reconstruction  Analysis of complicated structure seismic wave fields  Pure S - waves in land P - wave source VSP data  Propagation characteristics of converted refracted wave and its application in static correction of converted wave  Anisotropic converted wave amplitude- preserving prestack time migration by the pseudo - offset method  A new time space domain high- order finite - difference method for the acoustic wave equation  A practical implicit finite- difference method, examples from seismic modelling  Acoustic impedance inversion of zero - offset VSP data  An implicit staggered - grid finite - difference method for seismic modelling  Estimation of Q and inverse Q filtering for prestack reflected PP - wave and converted PS - waves  A hybrid scheme for absorbing edge reflections in numerical modeling of wave propagation  Acoustic VTI modeling with a time- space domain dispersion- relation - based finite- difference scheme  A seismic modeling analysis of wide and narrow 3D observation systems for channel sand bodies  Application of 2.5D cross - hole electromagnetic inversion to the field data acquired in Gudao oil field, east China  Effects of fracture scale length and aperture on seismic properties: an experimental study  A physical model study of effect of fracture aperture on seismic wave  Experimental study on the effect of fracture scale on seismic wave characteristics  Application of neural network in seismic inversion under well logging restraint  The multi- scaled morphology apply to denoise of the seismic data  Tomography in frequency domain using wave equation  Seismic reflection characteristics of fluvial sand and shale thin interbedded layers  Effects of near surface absorption on the reflection characteristics of continental interbedded strata: take Dagang oitfield as an example  Modeling air gun signatures in marine seismic exploration considering multiple physical factors  Characteristics of fluid substitution in porous rocks  Optimized non- hyperbolic stack imaging based on interpretation model  Enhancing the resolution of seismic data based on the generalized S- transform  Radar polarimetry analysis applied to single - hole fully polarimetric borehole radar  Consistency analysis of subsurface fracture characterization using different polarimetry techniques by a borehole radar  Experimental implementation and assessment of two polarimetric calibration approaches applied for a fully polarimetric borehole radar  A fully polarimetric borehole radar based numerical modelling, fully polarimetric response to synthetic fractures and "fluid substitution"  Purposeless repeated acquisition time- lapse seismic data processing  Reservoir prediction using pre- stack inverted elastic parameters  Free- surface multiple attenuation using inverse data processing in the coupled plane- wave domain  Subtle trap recognition method based on seismic sedimentology: a case study from shengli oilfield  Fracture effects in seismic attenuation images reconstructed by waveform tomography  Measuring veloeitv dispersion and attenuation in the exploration seismic frequency bandGeophysical Well LoggingComputer Science and TechnologyElectronic Engineering and Automation


《Progress in Geophysics and Information Technology》 is Written by the Xiao Lizhi,as follows: incorporates the main achievements in geophysical exploration, geophysical well logging, computer science and technology, electronic engineering and automation by people at the College of Geophysics and Information Engineering (GIE), China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in the past five years (2006- 2010).



    Progress in Geophysics and Information Technology地球物理与信息技术研究进展 PDF格式下载

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