
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:石油工业出版社  作者:江涛 编  页数:208  


  首先需要说明的是,本书乃Peter潘根据自身惨绝人寰、潸然泪下的经历,经过七七四十九天的奋笔疾书后写成的。他本人后来谈到自己在写作过程中的心情时,居然用了“咬牙切齿”和“痛不欲生”两个词来形容。由此可见,本书毫无疑问是Peter潘呕心沥血的倾心力作。  下面仅是他本人对这本旷世奇书做出的肺腑之言,不代表其他人的立场。如果有主观臆断或搬弄是非的嫌疑,敬请大家宽人恕己,既往不咎。时至今日,各种图书都争先恐后地粉墨登场。无奈很多书籍都是黔驴技穷之作,千篇一律。放眼望去,在琳琅满目的书籍中,能让读者一见钟情的寥寥无几。究其原因,不外乎两点:一是,很多书籍内容毫无新意;二是,很多书籍在编写之前没有经过深入细致的调研,没能从读者的实际需求出发,对症下药。  相较而言,“英语你得小心说系列”之《外企浮沉篇》是从Peter潘盲人摸象般的亲身经历中总结出来的。全书再现了Peter潘说错话的部分真实场景,这在同类书籍中应当可以称作前无古人的。  另外,本书从Peter潘所犯的诸多错误中选取了100个句子,以儆效尤。尽管Peter  潘在这里掏心挖肺,极力向大家推荐这本痛定思痛的好书,但很多读者可能觉得Peter潘巧舌如簧。但是,他向大家保证,读完此书,你们一定会说。


  小心说英语,否则你会错:以《英语你得小心说:外企浮沉篇》主人公Peter潘的亲身惨痛经历为例,重现了他错误使用主题句的悲剧情景。误区大盘点:分析主题句误说的原因,从源头上克服此类错误,同时给出正确的理解和说法。  英语主题句:列举出读者使用频率最高却最容易犯错的英语句子。情景演绎厅:模拟真实的场景。为读者示范最精准的用法,告诉读者如何对症下药,即在什么场合下说主题句是对的。  小心练一练:针对出错频率最高的地方,让读者巩固测试,看是否已经完全掌握每句话的精髓。




Unit 1 初入职场 Stepping into the Workforce for the First TimeTopic 1 勤打招呼Greeting FrequentlyScene One Do you like playing soccer?你喜欢踢足球吗?Scene Two I like swimming because swimming can make me fit. 我喜欢游泳,因为游泳能使我身体健康。Scene Three It seems that you have good teeth.看来你的牙很好。Scene Four They say I am a square.他们说我很古板。Scene Five Its hot and sticky, isnt it?天气真湿热,不是吗?Topic 2 熟悉环境Be Familiar with the EnvironmentScene One She is always carefree whenever you see her.不管你什么时候看见 她,她都是一副无忧无虑的样子。Scene Two The lady who is engaged with Bob is Lisa. 正在与鲍勃谈话的那位女士是丽萨。Scene Three Xiao Zhang is a man of a woman.小张是个男人婆。Scene Four Every machine here is not up to date.这里的机器并不都是最新式的。Scene Five They are close friends.她们是亲密的朋友。Topic 3 接听电话Answering the PhoneScene One Kickback! 放松点!Scene Tw0 1 will tell George to call you up tomorrow. 我会告诉乔治让他明天打电话给您。Scene Three Sorry, the manager is not at home to journalists. 对不起,经理不会见记者。Scene Four The man spoke with a strong accent.那个人带有很重的口音。Scene Five Sorry, the manager cannot answer your phone for a time. 对不起,经理暂时无法接听您的电话。Topic 4 咨询业务Consulting about the BusinessScene One Are you with me?你明白我的意思吗?Scene Two Dont feel embarrassed to ask me.不懂就问,不要觉得难为情。Scene Three He is an armchair team-leader.他是一位无实际经验的组长。Scene Four Its rather a bit too thick.太过分了。Scene Five You are really my angel.你真是我的天使。Topic 5 说明原因Giving ReasonsScene One Thats tooth in.这话说得太假了。Scene Two 1willbe open with you.我会向您坦白的。Scene Three I have lost my shirt.我倾家荡产了。Scene Four Why is Paul in the blues?为什么保罗如此沮丧呢?Scene Five John may have a thin time.约翰可能遇到了不愉快的事。Unit 2 赏罚分明 Reward and PunishmentTopic l 熬夜加班Work OvertimeScene One He has sworn by his manager.他已经向经理发了誓。Scene Two Im in the green.我年富力强。Scene Three Im not a little tired.我非常累。Scene Four I think Charles will finish that work in no time.我想查尔斯很快就会完成那项工作的。Scene Five Dont wait for me,I have to work overtime.不用等我,我得加班。Topic 2 奖励表彰Rewarding and PraisingScene One He is the man for my money.他正合我意。。Scene Two The new manager got a good hand.新上任的经理赢得了热烈的掌声。Scene Three He is not half bad at deal with emergencies. 他处理突发状况的能力相当强。Scene Four The fotmder of this company left behind an immortal example to a the staff.公司创建者给所有员工留下了不朽的典范。Scene Five I like your cheek.我真佩服你的厚脸皮。Topic 3 迟到早退Late for Work and Leaving EarlyScene One I can hardly put up with that fellow any long en 我再也不能忍受那家伙了。Scene Two Sorry, I slept in.对不起,我睡过头了。Scene Three Its all because of a walking lady.这都是因为一个女配角。Scene Four l went to the bug house this morning.我今早去精神病院了。Scene Five I forgot to set the alarm.我忘了定闹钟了。Topic 4 请假旷工Asking for Leave or Absenteeism IScene One She has a pain in the neck.她脖子疼。Scene Two I had a day off.我休了一天假。Scene Three He passed out at the party last night.他在昨晚的聚会上昏了过去。Scene Four I will put on a white sheet.我将公开认错。Scene Five You will get the knock because of your imprudence. 因为你的轻率行为你将被解雇。Topic 5 批评惩罚Punishment and CriticismScene One The boss has made an example of Jerry. 老板已经惩罚了杰瑞以儆效尤。Scene Two Please never make a show of yourself like this. 请不要再出这样的洋相了。Scene Three He has been tumed in to the cop—shop.他已经被送到了警察局。Scene Four Please dont show your teeth to me.请不要威胁我。Scene Five The clients have no opinion of you.客户对你的评价很糟。Unit 3 工作常事 A Commonplace of WorkTopic 1 抱怨工作Complaining about the JobScene One Let George do it!让别人去伤这个脑筋吧!Scene Two I was brought to bay.我已经被逼得无路可走了Scene Three Don’t push me.别逼我。Scene Four I hate to do the same work day in and day out.我讨厌天天做相同的工作Scene Five The new manager gets in my hair.新经理使我烦恼Topic 2 处理投诉Dealing with ComplaintsScene One You really have a boy look.你真是粗心大意啊。Scene Two They are made of china.它们是瓷制的Scene Three I hope you Call see my difficulty.我希望您能体谅我的难处Scene Four LetS talk man to man about our problems.让我们坦诚地谈谈我们的问题Scene Five I will be disinterested.我一定会公正处理的Topic 3 外派出差On BusinessScene One I will go by air.我将乘飞机去。Scene Two I know you are at home in German.我知道你精通德语。Scene Three Susan has gone for five days.苏珊已经走了,要去五天Scene Four This is dirty money for me.这对我来说是不义之财Scene Five I will leave Beijing.我要离开北京Topic 4 申请加薪Asking for a Pay RaiseScene One He was given an Irishman’s promotion last year.他去年被降级了Scene Two He went to the boss cap in hand and asked for higher payment.他毕恭毕敬地走到老板面前要求加薪……Unit 4 每周例会


  我希望您能体谅我的难处。  在商务交往中,经常会由于各种原因受到客户的投诉。这时候耐心地解释当然是必不可少的,但如果真有难处,不妨坦诚地告诉对方,并求得对方的谅解。  A:唐先生,由于贵公司交货延误时间过长,我们不得不向你提出索赔。  B:真是非常抱歉。虽然这是我们的过失,但我希望您能体谅我的难处。这次的大地震使得数十公里的公路、铁路和桥梁都毁坏了。  A:你们的大部分货物都不合格,我们已经遭受了很大的损失。  B:我们会补偿你们的。您知道这次我们公司内部出了点问题,有人在暗中捣鬼,否则我们也不会犯这样的过错。  A:如果你们能在一个星期内调换那批货,我们就撤销索赔。  B:谢谢您的谅解。我们一定在规定期限内交货。  A:希望如此。


  《英语你得小心说:外企浮沉篇》中英文夹杂的情景故事乐趣横生!  正误用法讲解透彻,让你远离“雷人”英语。  故事对话双管齐下,学习娱乐并举。  英语你就得小心说!越是看似简单的句子,越要小心谨慎,文化背景的不同,生活习惯的差异,都会导致我们和老外的语言习惯和理解完全不同!如果我们按照汉语的思维习惯和理解去说英语,按照我们的三脚猫功夫来自由发挥说英语,不闹笑话才怪呢!




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