
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:石油工业出版社  作者:江涛 著  页数:193  




Unit 1 超负荷工作,白骨精打响加薪第一炮工作量大 Heavy Workload/1Topic 1 完成了额外任务Finished Extra Work/2第1计 Since l have taken over Jack’S work.plus my own job,now I’m doing two persons’work,SO 1 wish you could raise my salary.由于我接管了杰克的工作;加上我自己的工作,我现在是一个人做着两个人的事,所以希望你能给我加工资。第2计 We have accomplished as much in the past 3 years as would have taken 10 years in the past.在过去的三年里,我们取得了过去要用10年时间才能取得的成就。Topic 2 额外时间投入Working Overtime/8第3计 As you can see.I have put a lot of time into this project and it has been successfully completed.你知道我在这项工程上花了不少精力,而且这项工程已经顺利完成了。第4计 I have spent all my spare time designing the new product and now it is selling well in the market.我把所有的休息时间都花在了设计新产品上,而现在这一产品在市场上很畅销。Topic 3 因任务加大而加班Working Overtime for Heavier Workload/14第5计 Recently,we often do extra work at the weekend since our company is heavily committed this quarter.最近,我们经常在周末加班,因为这个季度我们公司的任务很重。第6计 During the past two months,we often worked late into the night,for our company was trying to put our new products on the market.过去的两个月我们经常加班到很晚,因为公司要把新产品投入市场。Unit 2 好女偏提当年勇业务成就 Achievements/20Topic 1 项目成就Project Achievements/21第7计 I have successfully signed the contract about clothing export with ABC Company and finished our expected goal in advance.我成功地与ABC公司签订了出口布匹的合同,提前完成了公司的预期目标。第8计 Having increased our revenue while decreasing cost,I managed to overcome all obstacles and finished the project on time.在增收节支的情况下,我成功地克服了一切障碍,按时完成了这个项目。Topic 2 利润成就Profits Achievements/27第9计 As the manager of the sales department,I have led my team successfully and made 50%contribution to the company.作为业务部的经理,我成功地领导我的团队创造了公司一半的业绩。第10计 My new invention has been put on the market and has brought 600 thousand US dollars profits to the company.我的新发明已经投入市场,并给公司带来了60万美元的利润。Topic 3 节流成就Saving Achievements/33第11计 As we can see.with the efforts of our sales department the operating costs have fell from$53 million to$46 million this year.今年在我们业务部的努力下,公司的经营成本从5300万降到74600万,这是大家有目共睹的。第12计 With my efforts,we have saved 20% of the cost by switching to cheaper suppliers.在我的努力下,我们找到了更便宜的供货商,节省720%的成本。Unit 3 业绩排行,唯精独尊销售业绩 Sales Achievements/39Topic 1 使上市时间大大缩短Shorteningthel3metoReachtheMarket/40第13计 With the efforts of our sales department.it took only one month to put our new products into the market, half the time of last year.Topic 2 使产品的销售额得到大幅上升Topic 3 在产品陷入衰退期时重新夺回市场Unit 4 白骨精开动脑筋创业绩,成加薪筹码创新成就Topic 1 开发了新项目Topic 2 新项目,新利润Topic 3 扩展业务领域……Unit 5 知识就是力量——白骨精原来是支潜力股Unit 6 入不敷出,白骨精一把鼻涕一把泪Unit 7 白骨精升官之路漫漫其修远兮Unit 8 白骨精:别说我拽,我只是有影响力Unit 9 去或留,白骨精对高薪聘请难以抉择Unit 10 白骨精紧要关头显身手,加薪之路更进一步


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