出版时间:2006-6 出版社:石油工业出版社 作者:陈铁龙 页数:256
《高等学校教材:石油工程专业英语》涉及石油工业概况、油藏地质、原油及天然气性质、油藏岩石性质、钻井与完井、采油与地面处理、试井分析、油气井问题分析、提高采收率,油藏数值模拟以及技术经济评价等内容。全书共13个单元,每单元包括课文和阅读材料两个部分。提供了背景知识、专业术语、词法及课文注释等学习内容,设置了词汇学习、阅读理解和专业知识等练习项目,便于读者自学。 《高等学校教材:石油工程专业英语》为石油高等院校石油工程专业利科技英语专业的教材,也可作为现场技术人员的英语培训和职称考试参考用书。
Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum IndustryPart One TextIntroduction to Petroleum IndustryPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingHealth, Safety and EnvironmentUnit 2 Geology and Reservoir TrapsPart One TextGeology and Reservoir TrapsPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingPetroleum Engineers and TechnologiesUnit 3 Crude Oil and Natural GasPart One TextCrude OilPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingNatural GasUnit 4 Properties of Reservoir RockPart One TextProperties of Reservoir RockPart Two ExercisePart Three Supplementary ReadingReservoir Fluids and PressureUnit 5 Well DrillingPart One TextPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingThe Moment of TruthUnit 6 Well CompletionPart One TextWell CompletionPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingCasing and CementingUnit 7 Production of Oil and GasPart OneTextProduction of Oil and GasPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingRod Pump Selection and DesignUnit 8 Separation and TreatmentPart OneTextSeparation and TreatmentPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingGas and Water TreatmentUnit 9 Well TestingPart One TextWell TestingPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingTest ProceduresUnit 10 Problem Well AnalysisPart One TextProblem Well AnalysisPart Two ExercisesPart Three Supplementary ReadingAcidizing MethodsUnit 11 Enhanced Oil Recovery……Unit 12 Reservoir SimulationUnit 13 Project EconomicsAppendix:How to Write a Scientific Paper