出版时间:1997-10-01 出版社:石油工业出版社 作者:王涛 著 页数:172
Recent Chinese petroleum industry started in northwest China, grew and flourish in east China. Laojunmiao, Yumen of Gansu province, is the first onland fiejd discovered in China at 1930's.Professor Pan Zhongxiang first put forward the concept on non marine petroleum generation in1938. Exploration in non marine sedimentary basins and study on nonmarine petroleum geology start their ways.
INTRODUCTION1 TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF CHINESE PLATE AND THE FORMING OF RIFT1.1 Tectonic framework of China1.1.1 Main characters on tectonics1.1.2 Major tectonic elements of China1.2 Evolution of (paleo) Chinese continental massif1.2.2 Evolution of the east region1.3 Formation of Mesozoic to Cenozoic rift basins in east China1.3.2 Formation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic rift basins in east China2 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RIFI' BASINS IN EAST CHINA2.1 Bohai Gulf basin2.1.1 Liaohe depression2.1.2 Jiyang depression2.1.3 Huanghua depression2.1.4 Jizhong depression2.1.5 Dongpu sag2.1.6 Bozhong depression2.3 0ther major rift basins2.3.1 Jianghan basin2.3.3 Nanxiang basin3 SOURCE ROCKS IN RIFI' BASINS OF EAST CHINA3.1 Geological and geochemical characters of source rocks3.1.1 Geological characters of source rocks3.1.2 0rganic abundance and types of source rocks3,2 From source rocks to petroleum3.2.1 Evolution of organic matters3.2.2 Generation model4 RESERVOIR AND SEAL IN RIFT BASINS OF EAST CHINA4.1 Deposition systems and reservoir4.1.1 Deposition systems and types of rift basins4.1.2 Deposition characters and distribution of reservoirs4.2 Diagenesis of clastic reservoirs and reservoir quality4.2.1 Major diagenesis events and their effects4.2.2 Reservoir types and reservoir capability4.3 Seals in rift basins of east China4.3.1 Regional seal4.3.2 Local seals4.3.3 Special seal4.3.4 Sealing mechanism of mudstone seal in rift basins of east China4.3.5 Reservoir-seal association in rift basins of east China5 Oi1 AND GAS POOLS IN RIFI' BASINS OF EAST CHINA5.1 Oi1 and gas pools of Bohai Gulf basin5.1.1 0verview5.1.2 Major pool types5.2 Oi1 and gas pools of Songliao basin5.2.1 0verview5.2.2 Main oil and gas pool5.3 Oi1 and gas pools in other basins5.3.1 Subei basin5.3.2 Nanxiang basin5.3.3 Jianghan basin6 DISTRIBUTION OF LARGE OIL FIELDS AND EXPLORATION FUTURE IN RIFI'BASINS OF EAST CHINA6.1 Distribution of large oil fields6.1.1 Age and horizon of large fields6.1.2 Basin evolution stage oflarge fields6.1.3 Large fields in small sag6.1.4 Large fields locate in various parts of the depression (or sag)6.2 Major oontrolling factors on petroleum accumulation and distribution of large oil fields6.2.1 Generation potential and distribution of source rocks6.2.2 Regional seal6.2.3 Types of deposition systems and favorable facial zones6.2.4 Long and inherited development of downwarps6.2.5 Main structural belts and their types6.3 Enrichment of natural gas6.3.1 Characters of natural gas geolgy in Bohai Gulf basin6.3.2 Major controlling factors on the enrichment of natural gas in Bohai Gulf basin6.3.3 Major character and distribution of natural gas in Songliao basin6.4 Petroleum exploration future in rift basins of east China6.4.1 011 and gas resource potential in rift basins of east China6.4.2 Future and direction of exploration in rift basins of east ChinaREFERENCE