出版时间:1997-06-01 出版社:石油工业出版社 作者:马德坤 著 页数:237
This book,intencled for engineers in the field of rock bitdesigning,manufacturing and research as well as teachers andstudents disciplinarily related,is a description of the essential part ofthe above technical system with brief introductions to the relevantachievements by our counterparts in foreign countries SO that anoverall view of the current situation of rock bit operational mechanicsis provided. Due to the author’S limited source of scientific andtechnological information,errors or mistakes of one kind or anothermay unawarely occur.Any comment and criticism iS welcome fromreaders of this book.
PREFACE FOREWORDChapter 1 Introduction1.1 A brief history and prospect of the development of rock bit1.2 The progress of t he research an d design of rock bitChapter 2 The Geometry of The Rock Bit2.1 The traditional geometry of rock bit2.2 The fundament al equation s of the modern geometry of rock bit 2.3 The accurate calculation for t he clearance between the adjacent cones 2.4 The transitional zone at the lower en d of bore-hole2.5 The geometry of the lower part of bit legChapter 3 The Kinematics of The Rock Bit3.1 The traditional kinematics of rock bit3.2 The fundament al equation s of the velocity of bit teeth3.3 The rot at ion of the roller3.4 The number of teeth contacting with the bottom-hole3.5 The track of teeth on the bottom-h ole and the lateral scraping of bit 3.6 The acceleration of bit teethChapter 4 The Bearing System of The Rock Bit4.1 The friction couple of t he bearing 4.2 The analysis for the bearing wear4.3 The seal ring 4.4 The pressure balancing and lubricant reservoir compensating system PBLRCS Chapter 5 The Experimental Study on The Interaction Between Bit and Rock5.1 The axial penetration test by t he single tooth 5.2 The drilling test by t he w hole bit5.3 The simulation test of the crater-forming process by t he bit teeth5.4 The advanced approach for digitalized measurement and analysis of the bottom-hole pattern5.5 The side cutting of t he bit an d the w ell-bore deviation Chapter 6 The New Methodology for The Rock Bit Design6.1 The main contents of the new design method6.2 The distinct feature of the new design method References